Zone population
Sort is generally used to determine signifcance of encounters. The lower the sort value, the higher the priority. If you look at FL’s vanilla encounters, you will see they have them something like this (going from memory): Jumpgates/Jumpholes, Bases, Tradelanes, ambient, background, and then patrols. Ideally you should have your encounters set up as such, the smaller the encounter zone, the lower the sort (which gives them higher priority).
In regards to npcs wanting to dock with their station. Only encounters with behavior = trade or patrols dock at npc bases. To ensure this happens, however, you need to ensure they are listed as a [BaseFaction] in the appliciable bases in the mbases.ini.
I hope this helps…
Sort is generally used to determine signifcance of encounters. The lower the sort value, the higher the priority. If you look at FL’s vanilla encounters, you will see they have them something like this (going from memory): Jumpgates/Jumpholes, Bases, Tradelanes, ambient, background, and then patrols. Ideally you should have your encounters set up as such, the smaller the encounter zone, the lower the sort (which gives them higher priority).
In regards to npcs wanting to dock with their station. Only encounters with behavior = trade or patrols dock at npc bases. To ensure this happens, however, you need to ensure they are listed as a [BaseFaction] in the appliciable bases in the mbases.ini.
I hope this helps…
Thanks Forsaken.
Well, i have a liberty rogue base, and i assigned traders from its faction, for any reason, they dont dock also, but i will check this mbases.ini.
In regards to your tutorial, i suppose only patrols attack tradelanes of any hostile factions, if i just mark a population zone they will dock with them.
One more thing, this “Relief Time” what i dont know what does it mean, if you can explain i’d appreciate that. -
Relief time is simply time between spawning NPCs in that specific zone.
This patrol setting is a bit weird in FLe. When i draw a line for a patrol i can set its preferences, but it appears on red line not blue as the others (originals). If i make a patrol route from a station and back by 3-4 patrol lines each, doest it matter if the lines dont connect properly?
Thanks in advance,
Repop_time. This timer determins the moment that the next encounter might be spawned.
Relief_time. this dertermines the latest moment  that a spawned encounter is going to dissappear.From Buck Danny’s “trying to understand encounters.pdf” tutorial, can be found on the-starport.
As it contains some minor mistakes, see also my post about density parameter in tutorials forum and offsets in “Dev’s Limit Breaking 101 Techniques” topic for some info about npc behaviour.
To Forsaken:
About that sort value… so if I have 2 popzones(the smaller is inside the bigger one) and none of them has population_additive = false line, then if a smaller zone has lower sort parameter, only encounter of this zone will be spawned while the ship is in it’s borders?? -
Relief_time. this dertermines the latest moment that a spawned encounter is going to dissappear.
This part isn’t correct… I have zones where repop_time is much larger than relief_time! Also I’m very sure that relief_time is the time between two encounters in the same zone as I’ve just tested it out to be sure!
Relief_time - after everything is destroyed - the moment first ships start to spawn
anyway, repop_time - time between encounters are spawned.
though it all needs testing. the reason it yasn’t been retested yet is that these parameters are not that important.
That depends on what you want to do m8…
I have encounters where I set the chance for it to start to 1% however as soon as I hit the zone (a nebula) it would almost spawn instantly 8 ot of 10 times! So those values are important if you want to make rare encounters…
Sort is generally used to determine signifcance of encounters. The lower the sort value, the higher the priority. If you look at FL’s vanilla encounters, you will see they have them something like this (going from memory): Jumpgates/Jumpholes, Bases, Tradelanes, ambient, background, and then patrols. Ideally you should have your encounters set up as such, the smaller the encounter zone, the lower the sort (which gives them higher priority).
In regards to npcs wanting to dock with their station. Only encounters with behavior = trade or patrols dock at npc bases. To ensure this happens, however, you need to ensure they are listed as a [BaseFaction] in the appliciable bases in the mbases.ini.
I hope this helps…
Ok, i found (i hope) that rows in mbases.ini you mentioned before:
faction = li_n_grp
weight = 8
offers_missions = true
mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 100Is it that?
As you wrote only traders and patrols could dock with the bases, and i have only one liberty navy group…
So, if i add corporate factions to the basefaction and then i add some corporate traders to the zone population, they will dock with the base.
Is it correct?One more thing: I have 9 bases right now in my unique system, but only one “talk” with the incomming ships. I set all of my bases by same method so i dont know why this one is different from the others. If i could i want to set this “talk” for all bases.
Thanks in advance,