Looking for FL hook Teacher.
Sorry, but I’m currently way too busy to help you in that capacity. I can, however, give you some tips on starting off.
1. Get to know FLHook’s source code structure. This may seem obvious, but it is especially important in FLHook’s case since it does not have what you would call a “normal” structure. If you are planning on making plugins, study the available API and hooks. Many things can be implemented using the hooks already provided.
2. Start off simple. For example, create a command that allows players to slap other players (printing a universe message like “player1 has slapped player2 with a large trout!”) via /slap <player>or /slap$ <clientid>. This will allow you to verify your knowledge of how FLHook works and work out anything you don’t quite understand.
3. If you don’t already know C/C++ really well (this includes calling conventions, what’s happening behind the scenes, and other advanced topics) I would highly recommend learning more, as FLHook has to interface directly with FL’s code, even when there isn’t a published interface to do so.
4. Get to know FL’s “public” API. This means the stuff in the FLCoreSDK. Unfortunately, there isn’t any documentation for it, so you’ll essentially have to figure it out on your own by looking at how it’s called in FLHook. If you don’t know what a function is doing, make a post/thread here and someone will probably know.That’s all I can think of right now, so I wish you good luck in your endeavor.</clientid></player>