Need a little knowledge from more advance coders.
I need some help on two issues, them being making custom asteriod fields and nebulas. If some one could break it down to me or point in the right direction. I know basic fl coding for ini. When I make my own based off original fl stuff or create my own, fl ctd and gives me a error code for the content dll file. I use FLdev, but it doesn’t access that file. Prolly better if I show what I mean, so bear with me :
in the system ini:
nickname = Zone_np07_nomad_asteroids
pos = -6446, 0, 34127
shape = SPHERE
size = 15000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000in the asteroids ini:
cube_size = 500
fill_dist = 2500
diffuse_color = 0, 102, 153
ambient_color = 20, 70, 80
ambient_increase = 40, 50, 50
empty_cube_frequency = 0.500000
[Exclusion Zones]
exclusion = Zone_np07_nomad_asteroids_exclusion
flag = ice_objects
flag = Object_density_low
xaxis_rotation = 0, 0, 0, 0
yaxis_rotation = 0, 0, 0, 0
zaxis_rotation = 0, 0, 0, 0
asteroid = ice_spike_asteroid200, 0.600000, -0.200000, -0.200000, 0, -43, 0
asteroid = ice_spike_asteroid125, 0.400000, -0.700000, 0.700000, 0, 137, 0
asteroid = ice_spike_asteroid200, -0.300000, -0.300000, 0.200000, 0, -40, 0
asteroid = ice_spike_asteroid125, -0.100000, 0.400000, 0.600000, 0, 132, 0
asteroid = ice_spike_asteroid50, -0.800000, 0.900000, -0.400000, 0, 134, 0
asteroid = DAsteroid_ice_crystal_small1
count = 10
placement_radius = 150.000000
placement_offset = 90.000000
max_velocity = 15.000000
max_angular_velocity = 3.000000
color_shift = 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000Sorry didn’t add the custom nebula one because it causes ctd entering system or undocking in it. But does the same for the custom asteroid as well. If deleted or ; out, everything works fine.
Opps, got the asteroid fields working. Typo error. But nebulas still cause ctd. I use FLexplorer just to see if it even shows up and it doesn’t. Here’s what I got so far:
file = solar\nebula\np07_newfield_01.ini
zone = Zone_np07_newfield_01_nebula[Zone]
nickname = Zone_np07_newfield_01_nebula
pos = -7000, 0, 7000
shape = sphere
size = 20000
property_flags = 32768
property_fog_color = 10.000000, 7.000000, 30.000000
spacedust = radioactivedust_blue
spacedust_maxparticles = 50
Music = zone_badlands
visit = 32
comment = np07_newfield_01
sort = 25in the nebula ini:
file = solar\nebula\generic_shapes.ini[properties]
flag = nebula[Fog]
fog_enabled = 1
near = 0
distance = 1000
color = 10, 7, 30;[Exclusion Zones]
;exclusion = Zone_Li01_013_Station_Li01_05
;fog_far = 2000.000000
;zone_shell = solar\nebula\plain_inner_sphere.3db
;shell_scalar = 1.000000
;max_alpha = 0.500000
;exclusion_tint = 180, 105, 255[Exterior]
shape = generic_exterior1
shape = generic_exterior2
shape = generic_exterior3
shape = generic_exterior4
shape_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
fill_shape = nebula_circle2
plane_slices = 3
bit_radius = 10000
bit_radius_random_variation = 0.200000
min_bits = 3
max_bits = 8
move_bit_percent = 0.500000
equator_bias = 0.500000
color = 40, 30, 90[NebulaLight]
ambient = 15, 10, 45
sun_burnthrough_intensity = 0.200000
sun_burnthrough_scaler = 1.750000[Clouds]
max_distance = 300
puff_count = 25
puff_radius = 100
puff_colora = 45, 40, 160
puff_colorb = 55, 10, 20
puff_max_alpha = 0.500000
puff_shape = generic_cloud1
puff_shape = generic_cloud2
puff_shape = generic_cloud3
puff_shape = generic_cloud4
puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
puff_drift = 1.000000
near_fade_distance = 125, 200
lightning_intensity = 1.000000
lightning_color = 65, 25, 85
lightning_gap = 5.000000
lightning_duration = 0.500000[BackgroundLightning]
duration = 0.900000
gap = 1.000000
color = 35, 15, 65[DynamicLightning]
gap = 0.50000
duration = 0.400000
color = 180, 200, 220
ambient_intensity = 1
intensity_increase = 1Based it off the li01 badlands fog nebula.