Looking to Assemble a Team for an LoGH Mod
After attempting to keep alive several previous mod communities, I’ve decided to move on and try a completely different genre for a mod subject.
I would like to assemble a team of 3 to 5 people to build a mod based around the Legend of the Galactic Heroes (Heldensagen von Kosmosinsel) japanese animation series from the 80’s (show ran from 1988 to 2000 with three seasons spread over that time period).
With this said, it is not my desire to try and kill Freelancer in the process. In other words this mod will implement known and working aspects of the game with perhaps a few other capabilities hooked in with FLHook. The mod’s focus will be on tactics and strategy for the purposes of blowing up as many people as you possibly can while living through it yourself. Additionally, 90% of the combat will be in larger capital ships as there will really only be one type of fighter for each of the two factions in the storyline.
System development will number from 8 to 14 systems with each one containing a centralized point of interest with little else (such as a planet, nebula, or asteroid field). Stations will be placed in keeping with the series and kept in as close to a true-scale relation with the capital ships as possible.
Now with all that said I’m looking for people with the following skill sets:
(1) SUR Creation
(2) SIMPLE ALE Editing (changing things such as effect lifetimes and colors, nothing more)
(3) System Creation/Editing/Scritping (to including scripting NPC’s)I can and will be handling all modelling, texturing, converting, hardpointing, and scripting related to ships, stations, and weapons.
If a team can be assembled that covers all the bases for this project then I see no reason why an operational BETA can’t be in the testing phases within a month or two.
Now with all that said, I expect ZERO responses from volunteers for this project lol.
(That’s not being pessimistic, that’s being realistic)
For me at least, niche modding is the preferred way to go.
[sidenote] Personally, I shudder every time I see a “mosh-pit” mod that combines every ship from every universe all the players and creators can get their hands on and let them slug it out with no conceptual means of balancing one universe against the other. If these universes were meant to exist simultaneously, they wouldn’t have come from SEPARATE movies, tv shows, comics, and other media. [/sidenote]
While the idea of this mod is very niche-specific, it comes down to people flying capital ships and a few fighters just trying to blow the crap out of other people in an RP environment. In essence, most all mods for Freelancer boil down to this (with economic development being a much smaller aspect of most mods).
But hey, never know how an idea will play out until you give it a chance.
I agree with you. I wasn’t meaning to offend on the “niche” comment. I’m not trying to extinguish any flames of enthusiasm, but your niche (tho exclusive as far as FL mods go) might be hard to get large player-base… when compared to shows with a larger fan-base such as Star Wars, Star Trek or BSG fans. That’s what I was referring to.
But as I said before, I hope its a huge success and turns out to be a rewarding venture for you and your team. Best of luck to you.
I headed up and developed the Tides of War: Clone Wars mod, based entirely off the Clone Wars of Star Wars.
It died despite awesome looking ships and numerous requests for help (not just the one thread I put up here). Of course I couldn’t put out a working test version due to a lack of help, which then also contributed to it’s death.
Sadly, I don’t think mods die based on genre, they just die for the sake of dying and because people don’t give a flying f***.
First ship for this project:
954 polygons, Free Planets Alliance Cruiser (second smallest capital ship).
Reliance on others… Is a shure way to Doom any project to failure…
We are dealing with Humans and Real life in the end… lolz…Way I see it… if one is to design/make a mod… for any game… a “team” should be a secondary asset… to “save” time really… not be the center point for all that devlops outwards… thats the headsdev’s job…
But then… I suppose I’ve been grinding for so long on my own… I cannot sympathise with failing projects due to team issues… I myself have asked for help… didnt ever actualy expect it as everyones got there own work to attend to 1st… and im still relativly a “baby” in this sharktank…
That all said… I wish ye all the best of luck… just don’t rely on anyone else par yeself… and the job will never fail… unless you throw in the towel… niche mod or no… It sounds good!
I cant join ye team… (obviosly!.. im tied down by XLR…) but Feel free to ask me anything you get stuck on… need a hand with… ect
I’m also a pretty good model converter (and now "fixer lolz) and love to re-texture just for fun.
Well there is one benefit to doing everything in a mod solo:
The singular ability to run a dictatorship over that mod’s community which includes the ability to tell people off simply because you can and to ban/kick/destroy people when they get on your nerves.
However, I myself also have real life to contend with and I’m not the kind of person who goes around trying to put together Total Conversions all by myself and taking a year or two to do so because I have committments outside of what I do in what little free time I’m able to cobble together for myself.
Teams on the other hand have the ability to “share the wealth”, “spread the load” and “share the credit”. Also with most team setups, a delay on the part of one person doesn’t mean a complete shut-down of development. With one-man development, shut-downs are inevitable due to outside circumstances, more often than not.
Besides I don’t know of any single modder who has put together a TC to include all original ships with textures (all of their own singular creation with 0 assistance), original stations with textures (again of their own singular creation with 0 assistance), new systems, new weapons, fully custom working SURs for each of those original ships and stations, plus a full working economy with no vanilla-Freelancer commodities. (By “original” I simply mean made from scratch without converting models or re-using textures)
I have to agree with Arvis; pulling off a large mod alone is just about impossible. A perfect jack-of-all-trades does not exist. You will have to neglect parts of the mod - if you ever complete it, that is - and you will not be able to properly run it. You can’t hope to be the sole administrator, moderator, modeller, designer, coder and programmer all at once. It’s just unfeasible.
FF hit it on the nose.
This is the very reason why I limit myself to modeling, texturing, and ship/weapon coding.
Besides, when you’re a jack-of-all-trades, you’re also a master of none.
Well despite my better judgement I’m still going on this idea lol.
My next two ships:
Flagship Agateram, 674 polygons
Flagship Triglev, 880 polygons
Next ship, the Free Planets Alliance carrier:
Several more ships and a size comparison:
Free Planets Alliance High-Speed Battleship
Free Planets Alliance Flagship Kulishna
Model Size Comparison
Newest fleet scale size chart for the Free Planets Alliance. Over half way done with their list and then I will be starting on the Galactic Empire’s ships.