NPC and missions problems
Did you include the [MRoom] in the mbases.ini file? This determines how many NPCs show up in a specific room…
i’ve tried to set diff on 19, no luck, set it on 4, still no luck, and change the vendors to 2, 4 also didnt worked,
@lancer Solurus, yes i have that in my Mbase but i didnt writed it down on this forum since i only showed the things we need the most here
for the board missions it keeps saying “you need to be more friendly with the base factions” and i’m like in green for the base faction. which keeps me wondering, how can that even be possible.
Do you have enemy factions in the zones that the vignettes overlap?
nickname = Zone_SG30_pop_ambient_05
pos = 25000, 0, -12000
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 12000
comment = Ambient Pop
sort = 51
toughness = 4 <======= dont worry about this… not used in FL anyways
density = 3
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
faction_weight = co_alg_grp, 20
encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000
faction = co_alg_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 -
no i didnt >.< i was about to try it out but it crashed, but at the faction weight shouldnt there be the faction aswel?
and if you add area assault, wont it crash because of 1.0 of Defend and 1.0 assault? because flex says sum of all has to be 100 %
no i tried it, still says "need to be friendlier with factions on base
this #$%% is getting me mighty deppresed
faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 20? <== and what is that 20?
faction_weight = co_alg_grp, 20
encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000
faction = co_alg_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000
faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 -
ok, but why arnt NPC’s working… i think that there lies the key to all this
here is how the ini’s look like right now[MBase] nickname = SG30_01_Base local_faction = fc_lr_grp diff = 5 msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_base_SG30_01_Base [MVendor] num_offers = 2, 4 [BaseFaction] faction = fc_lr_grp weight = 100 offers_missions = true mission_type = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387, 30 npc = SG3001_lr_female_01 npc = SG3001_lr_female_02 npc = SG3001_lr_female_03 [GF_NPC] nickname = SG3001_fix_bartender body = ku_bartender_body head = ge_male2_head lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right individual_name = 244812 affiliation = fc_lr_grp voice = rvp126 bribe = fc_lr_grp, 100000, 160101 misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387 [GF_NPC] nickname = SG3001_lr_female_01 body = ku_commtrader_body head = ku_bartender_head lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right individual_name = 220007 affiliation = fc_lr_grp voice = rvp511 misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387 room = bar [GF_NPC] nickname = SG3001_lr_female_02 body = ku_commtrader_body head = ku_bartender_head lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right individual_name = 220007 affiliation = fc_lr_grp voice = rvp511 misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387 room = bar [GF_NPC] nickname = SG3001_lr_female_03 body = ku_commtrader_body head = ku_bartender_head lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right individual_name = 220007 affiliation = fc_lr_grp voice = rvp511 misn = DestroyMission, 0.000000, 0.112387 room = bar [MRoom] nickname = bar character_density = 7 fixture = SG3001_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_bartender_fidget.thn, bartender
[Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_pop_ambient_02 pos = 25000, 0, 12000 rotate = 0, 0, 0 shape = SPHERE size = 12000 comment = Ambient Pop sort = 51 toughness = 4 density = 3 repop_time = 25 max_battle_size = 4 pop_type = Background relief_time = 35 population_additive = false faction_weight = co_os_grp, 20 faction_weight = rh_p_grp, 20 faction_weight = ku_n_grp, 10 faction_weight = li_lsf_grp, 20 faction_weight = fc_fa_grp, 10 faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 20 encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000 faction = co_os_grp, 0.050000 faction = rh_p_grp, 0.100000 faction = ku_n_grp, 0.200000 faction = li_lsf_grp, 0.050000 faction = fc_fa_grp, 0.600000 encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000 faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_pop_ambient_03 pos = -25000, 0, 12000 rotate = 0, 0, 0 shape = SPHERE size = 12000 comment = Ambient Pop sort = 51 toughness = 4 density = 3 repop_time = 25 max_battle_size = 4 pop_type = Background relief_time = 35 population_additive = false faction_weight = br_n_grp, 50 faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 50 encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000 faction = br_n_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000 faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_pop_ambient_04 pos = -25000, 0, -12000 rotate = 0, 0, 0 shape = SPHERE size = 12000 comment = Ambient Pop sort = 51 toughness = 4 density = 3 repop_time = 25 max_battle_size = 2 pop_type = Background relief_time = 35 population_additive = false faction_weight = li_n_grp, 50 faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 50 encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000 faction = li_n_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000 faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_pop_ambient_05 pos = 25000, 0, -12000 rotate = 0, 0, 0 shape = SPHERE size = 12000 comment = Ambient Pop sort = 51 toughness = 4 density = 3 repop_time = 25 max_battle_size = 4 pop_type = Background relief_time = 35 population_additive = false faction_weight = co_alg_grp, 50 faction_weight = fc_lr_grp, 50 encounter = area_defend, 4, 0.500000 faction = co_alg_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_assault, 4, 0.500000 faction = fc_lr_grp, 1.000000 [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_01 pos = -15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_02 pos = -15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_03 pos = 15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_04 pos = 15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_05 pos = -15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_06 pos = -15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_07 pos = 15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_08 pos = 15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, unlawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_09 pos = -15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_10 pos = -15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_11 pos = 15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_12 pos = 15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = lawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_13 pos = -15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_14 pos = -15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_15 pos = 15000, 0, 15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open [Zone] nickname = Zone_SG30_destroy_vignette_16 pos = 15000, 0, -15000 shape = SPHERE size = 10000 mission_type = unlawful, lawful sort = 99.500000 vignette_type = open ```(these are only the zones that have influence on the Mbases.ini !
hmmm… I only had time to give it a quick scan, but you have multiple vignettes in the same position. Why?
Also, how far away is a base from these vignettes? How far are these vignettes away from a jumphole/jumpgate/tradelane/patrol route?
In regards to the NPC’s not showing up… Let me guess… this base entry is near the bottom of your mbases.ini. If such is the case, most of the time it is because you have an error in ANOTHER base entry which is higher up in your mbase.ini entry. As I said before, the mbases.ini is a VERY touchy file.
Also, have you ran FLScan or FL Error Checker on your mod yet?
the vignettes are appr 25km away (point of origin) and i had multiple vignettes since if i get it wrong (unlawful/unlawful) so i can try them all at once
and really? oh bloody hell
and FLscan and FLEC, never heard of it ^^, looking it up now but it seems all links go to lancersreactor fragged up website
so you’re saying… if we fix those couple problems like 3476 problems… the mod should work? well i’ve got lots of work to do
thanks mate, all of you
now i hope i can get those problems fixed by the end of the century, is FLEC better then FLscan? since i couldnt find any link of FLeC
FL Error Checker is more indepth than FLScan. FLEC flags alot of stuff that won’t cause FL to crash tho…. so use discretion in doing “fixes”. Sometimes the “fixes” you do can be worse than the actual error that FLEC is flagging (if they’re not done correctly).
FLScan however flags stuff that NEED’s to be fixed (with the exception of the SP stuff IMHO).
You can download FLEC from Lancer Solarus’ site,
I think he has it listed in his Digital Brilliance Software section of his forums. You have to register tho. Its a good thing, his site has saved me lots of time in the past and he is pretty good about helping you fix problems with your mod.
jeez, thanks mate
is it normal that there are mor ethen 6000+ problems?
then we fail as modders ^^, but i think i know why, since we do not have a market, and my friend found a way to play freelancer without having to buy guns, and shields and those stuff, i’m guessing that FLscan thinks that is an error,
but still, thanks alot for that tool
now if you’ll excuse me, i go crash to sleep on my keyboard
good night mates, if there is anything ^^