[SOLVED,CLOSED] A simple mod…
ah… yes i remember clearly your distress, 1st big wall i came across…
Oki’s … when is the probelm occuring?.. On startup, or on base dealer… If you crash on startup… probaly an shiparch.ini problem…
if you crash on base dealer… more or less a goods.ini problem… It can… however at times be even deeper than that…Or are ye’s just plain having a problem understanding it all… as yes… it can seem a little overwhelming the first few times… I learned the art from looking at the end of alota ship creating tuts… and playing with crabtree’s Ship Scripter for a day or two… These days im pretty shure there would be a propper tut or two laying around? I really haven’t looked…
First step m8… is to understand whats doin… and where
If anything
it’ll help latter when you go to “refine” your ship… & believe me… you’ll want to, its basic human nature lol… I’ll go look through all my junk and see if any of it can be refined into a workable Tut… but im pretty shure there’s already one or 2 laying around here at TSP 8-) -
Heh, thank you, your quite helpful. Cannon on the other forums tried but I kinda pissed him off.
Anyways, It gets to the splash screen then crashes. I already deleted all my SP saved game files and that didnt help.
My mods folder (mymod) only has the folder data in it, is a script.xml neccesary, could it be the problem?
Oki… so she dies just b4 the menu… seen this a bit…
it is at that time FL loads its main data … Arch types… shield links… ect… and many other files… but its just 1 here that’s the issue…
Shiparch.ini … what ye need to do here is open the .cmp in HCMP and compare data… very closely… engines first…
(num_exhaust_nozzles = #) where # is the amount of enginesalso check …
shield_link = l_fighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
where the “l_fighter_shield01” can be a few params… i have found this can be a problem… every now and then… but its rare…
If all that adds up… and exists… then its on to your goods.ini file…
make shure everything exists… if the ship is from a mod… it may have a modified powerplant or engine… with a new reference…If you didnt copy the powerplant & engine and it does have a new one… well it dont exist in your mod… CTD time… set it all back to stock just to make shure using only data found in your mod
lights can also do this… so can anything else in its good “block” really…
IDS is not so much a problem… it’ll just look all wrong untill you write a new one for the ship (use FLdev!!.. I recommend it)
These are just but a few things that can cause it… but the main ones… and if you have only added 1 ship… the most probable ones.
EDIT: If your copy/overwiting straight from your data to FL… then no script is needed (i call it hardcoding) if using FLMM to activate, then yeah a tiny one… but its code depends on wich FLMM u are using… others can elaborate further here… I stay away from FLMM 8-)
Alright, Now it works. I went into FLE and looked at the shiplist and right at the bottom of the list, there was a blank entry. Which is, of course, fine because I dont need infocards because this will not be a public mod, obviously as stated before. I clicked the blank one, added, ect.
Activated mymod and the freshstart so I could check the ship and see if it worked.
Clicked on ship dealer, CTD.
You said it could be the Goods.ini? Can I just like… remove the lights? they dont do much except look pretty.Now we’re makin progress.
It could be anything in that good file m8
i think ye can ; the lights… but leave any contrail intact… unless you physically remove them with HCMP.
hmm crap… Revmoed all lights. Still no. We’re getting closer.
You think it could be the ships icon? I added it just incase.
Whats the name for a vanilla VHF scanner, tractor, powerplant and shield? I mean the goods entries. So I can replace each one of my ships entires with a vanilla counterpart.
Better yet, whats the titan’s or sabre’s or hammerhead’s good entry name? So I can basically use its scanner, engine, ect.
EDIT: Something interesting. I undocked from manhattan without going to the ship dealer. While outside I info queried manhattan. And I CTD’d. Hmm… Thats odd isnt it?
Had to go out for a bit… sry…
oh… OH… i got it!!... you used FLE to add the ship eh?..
open market_ships.ini… search for li01_01_base
see the blanks? delete em 8-) leave only the ship you added & it should look as so…[BaseGood] base = Li01_01_base marketgood = yourship_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
FLE is notorious for such things… better you code your markets by hand m8
oki’s most importantly… is the 1st 4 “addon” lines (this is from a patriot… nice and “safe” )
[Good] nickname = lf_hull category = shiphull ship = li_fighter price = 500000 ids_name = 12001 item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\li_fighter.3db [Good] nickname = lf_package category = ship hull = lf_hull addon = ge_lf_engine_01, internal, 1 addon = li_fighter_power01, internal, 1 addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1 addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
after that is the lights… ect… remove the thruster & shield… its easy enough to buy one
If its still giving ye grief… Upload it somewhere & PM us a link… I’ll re-code her from scratch for ye
It works, thank you. One more thing. When I activate my mod and click new game, I start in a starflier out in the middle of nowhere, and it says im in Omicron Major. Also says “Dock with Toledo” as a mission objective. I know this is a simple fix but I dont remember how, its supposed to start up with FP7 being destroyed cutscene, you know.