Cruise Speed Display Offset
Hi guys,
I have tried several searches for this against the forums, but the
search tool just keeps coming up with nothing. So here’s my
question:I found the offset information for changing Freelancer.exe such
that increased Cruise Speeds display properly on the HUD, but
when I go to the listed offset, the stated “previous” values are not
there. I’m wondering if anyone has any data on this?So far, I have added the following lines to the constants.ini (neither
entry was in these sections at all before):[EngineEquipConsts]
ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY = 600The offset information states:
– 0x0F85->0x90E9 in freelancer.exe, 0xD5936, 0xD5936 =
remove cruise speed display limit of 300 (in other words, change
0x0F85 to 0x90E9) ~UnknownI got that from here:
OffsetsBut when I hit that offset in Hexplorer, the byte sequence under that offset is: 4A 72
Any one have thoughts on this?
Thanks for any help,
Maulkye -
Are you using the Freelancer No-CD patch? The original EXE is encrypted and cannot be edited normally.
I read through some of the FLHack code. Wow, I’m impressed.
How in the world did Jason figure out all the memory locations to
inject his assembly code?I’ve been a business software developer for many years
(mainstream stuff like C#, .NET, SQL, Javascript, and that sort of
thing. I’ve also done a little C++, C, and an occasional save file hex
editing based on changing values from save to save), but I don’t see
how some guys do this sort of modification.I know you can read function prototypes out of DLLS with some tools
though I’ve not really dipped much into that. Is that how it’s done?Are there any information sources out there on this sort of “reverse-
engineering” and software modifying sans source code?Thanks for the feedback guys.
Disassembly listing (customised PeRdr) and debugger (OllyDbg). Having the functions in DLLs certainly helps, even more so with demangled C++ names. I use the INI_Reader functions directly from common.dll, so I can handle binary ini files with no problems (see LibFL for that).