Anyone here play LOTRO?
Brothers and Sisters… Friends and Foes…
Anyone here play LOTRO?? (lord of the rings online) I “gave it a go” last Sunday night… and only just surfaced (due to scheduled server downtime) 8-) a few months ago they opened the doors to “free” accounts… its a decent deal were you can unlock almost everything a VIP (subscriber) has access to via ingame point earning… this unfortunately has also opened the door to almost every spamming kiddie and lamer elf/dwarf wannabe with no clue about Tolkien… or how a RPG works outside of WoW… but it also opened the door to me, so its not all that bad if you can shut out the lame and focus on the game… which is (for any Tolkien fan) pretty mega…
So basically… the purpose of this post is to try to rally a few trusted folks that already play or are looking at it (i had the disk here for 2 weeks… before last Sunday) Into the Dwarrowdelf or Elendilmir server as im kinda lonely braining orc’s by myself
New build is still commin tomoz Wolfie… I needed a week off anyways 8-) In fact… I’m subscribing so i DON’T have to grind so much and have plenty of time to still actively mod XLR… in fact im getting some rather cool ideas (Gameplay/Balance wise) whilst im out there hunting Goblins… I suppose we (XLR) can be thankful KoR isn’t out yet… i may vanish for a month when it does… hehe I have plans to become the next Mandalore… every fool want to be a jedi/sith… lolz
I don’t think i’ve ever played a… a… MMORPG (unless Eve counts, but I got bored as sin within minutes).
So is this something you’d recommend trying? I don’t think I particularly get into role playing, but then again, I don’t think I know what role playing IS when it comes to the games. I am a character, I walk around bludgeoning things to death, and maybe do missions to make money to buy stuff?
Or does it mean a set of rules and regulations that you have to abide by?
Out of interest, how big was the download?
@Chips: FL is pretty much a role play game, too. despite you do not affiliate with any faction, you play for yourself, you make friends where you want them to be. first of all a role play game has to be liberal enough to live your person as it is in real life but it has to be restricted enough for the player to think of what he is doing.
FL’s original intent was as a RPG… there are still many things in game that reflect this (rep system) it was just nuttered at the last moment and forced into being an (urgh…) Adventure game (a poor mans RPG really).
Chips… i have no idea the size of the dll… i installed from a coverdisk but that was a 2 sided dvd… so i’d estimate well over the 3g mark… maybe 6g… i may be totally wrong (but the unpacked client is freakishly huge…)
& yep… it gets my full reco, if you like LOTR that is… what it “isn’t” is warcraft/Aion or any other plastic RPG that draws “pwners” … were getting a few at the moment… due to the worldwide f2p release… but they scarcely make it to lvl20… or have many friends after there initial “I wntz my tnk to pwrlvz so im badass” chat… and quickly get added to every decent players ignore list.
It is however a very evil game… that will make you think about it WAY to much when your not ingame… but that’s the nature of MMO’s im told 8-)
& no… it’s not the reason i haven’t released the new XLR wolfie… that’s cuz of the silly other RPG game we all live in… called RL (hate that game…)
my nets being a ripe a$$ and im waiting for it to stop being a right a$$ and upload more than 50mb before failing… give it a few days… it’s done this before
silly 3rd rate “cheapest option” infrastructure of Oz… geesh
EDIT: (for chips) Its quite similar to what we “know” chips… missions taken… loot acquired… sell… rinse and repeat… there is a whole bevy of sidetracking things to do… crafting for one (you get to make yer own gear!!) and they have this evil point earning system for the f2p players (and non f2p) that rewards you with ingame points to spend at the ingame (can anyone say “cash cow”) store… earning TP is what will be on your mind as you grind it out… as that unlocks quest packs and many more groovy things… ( a subscriber gets 500 TP a month… the free guys have to grind for them…)
There is a rather long “policy statement” but it mainly reffers to character naming conventions… and i see it broken every second player i pass… It was setup so as every player had a propper middle earth type name… but now the lack of enforcement is being abused… i mean REALLY abused… there are rules… but most (as in a good mod) are enforced via the gameplay rather than Admins (which i have never seen one… at all) swinging the banhammer… there is no outward PvP… you can spar… and there’s a PvP “section” of the game that at this time is only for paid members (darn good idea really) as we’d have 1000 little Nazgul wannabe’s pwning everyone otherwise… its PvE mainly… and the “E” is wild enough and fun enough.
So yeah… not many rules… and the rules that exist are being totaly ignored anyways… the peeps arching up over violations is increasing… but i believe it’s not in Turbines $$ interests to do anything about it in the near foreseeable future… but that’s why there’s that big bad red IGNORE button… i for one have used it 2wice but as not often as i thought i would.