What is the code to know the reputation of an object
FLHook Development
I want to know the reputation of an object selected by the player.[Object] nickname = Br01_03 ids_name = 196660 pos = -33822, 0, 52837 rotate = 0, 30, 0 archetype = b_battleship ids_info = 65713 base = Br01_03_Base dock_with = Br01_03_Base reputation = br_n_grp behavior = NOTHING voice = atc_leg_f01 space_costume = pl_female1_head, br_female_elite_body difficulty_level = 7 loadout = br_battleship_br_01 pilot = pilot_solar_hard ```For example, this object has the reputation "br_n_grp" My code :
uint iShip;
pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, iShip);
uint iTarget;
pub::SpaceObj::GetTarget(iShip, iTarget);???
wstring TargetFaction;
PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%s", TargetFaction.c_str() );
i domt under stand the question there is no code maybe you mean universe ini there you find somethinglike this
nickname = Li05_06_Base
system = Li05
strid_name = 196792
file = Universe\Systems\Li05\Bases\Li05_06_Base.ini
BGCS_base_run_by = W02bF34
i use freelancer explorer its done for you with that -
sabatino, look at the forum you’re posting in. This is FLHook development, yes there will be C++ code.