Wings 3d uv map question.
I’m not familiar with the program you’re using, but sounds to me that you would need to divide your model into multiple groups/objects whatever that’s called in your program. Then you can map and texture each component individually. I used that technique with my Ventru ships. Mind you, it can increase the total size of your texture file.
In 3ds Max, you can also assign textures to only part of your uv map. It’s a bit more advanced, but let’s you use smaller sized textures, and you can duplicate them so you save file size. I’m not too familiar with this technique though, only practiced it once or twice and personally I don’t like it. But that’s personal, it might work for you. -
I HIGHLY suggest not UV Mapping in Wings3d. The UV Mapper built in sucks horribly. I exclusively UVM in 3dsMax
But, to have separate maps in both Wings and 3dsMax, the areas you want to be mapped separately have to be a separate object/group. Wings3d does not have a simple way to break objects into separate objects as far as I’ve found. The way I do it when I need to is to -
Select all faces that you want to be in the new object
Go To Select>Store Selection
Then right click, hit Extract. Do not move the mouse at all, then left click. This will duplicate the geometry you want to be in the new object.
Go To Select>Recall Selection. This will re-select the now redundant geometry. Delete it, and clean up any deformed faces left behind. You may have to move the new object out of the way to see the bad faces.
The best way to avoid all this crap is to plan your objects out ahead of time in Wings. It’s lightweight, very easy to use, but it does come with the disadvantage of lacking many advanced features. It’s great for whipping up stuff quickly, but lacks the stuff required for a good follow through.
Good advise there.
Sizer wrote:
… You may have to move the new object out of the way to see the bad faces.Or you select the new object, and turn it invisible.
(In 3ds MAX: go to your ‘graphite modeling tools’ bar > visibility > hide selected.) You can undo this later by clicking ‘unhide all’. Make sure you have the hidden object selected in your group list though. -
SolCommand once made a tut once, it’s simple but will get you where you wanna be.
I’ve attached it to this post, have fun.EDIT:
Found another one for you from Ryuujins, it’s from the FL Modding Tool Kit. Also attached.And yet another one, from Drizzt. Might come in handy as well.
Again, have fun!
Drizzt’s tutorial is in the download section.