Visible player hit effects?
hey peoples.
Its been bugging me for a while now but, is there a way to make effects that hit you during combat actually visible to your camera.
im saying this mostly on my experiance in discovery freelancer, so take it with a pinch of salt.
when being struck by something which creates a huge explosion effect all you hear is a tiny ting sound as this massive projectile hits you. yet on their screen they see a massive explosion and an awesome sound effect to go with it.
is this just limited to discovery or does it affect weapons in vanilla too, because im still in the alone stages of my mod, testing things in open single player so i cant get an accurate account of impact effects from the player being struck’s point of view.
He means that only the other palyers see the hit effects of projectiles.
I think 88flak had a workaround by adding an explosion block with the projectiles hit effect, but without any damage to wvery normal weapon. -
thanks both of you for your responses
Quarks wrote:
He means that only the other palyers see the hit effects of projectiles.
I think 88flak had a workaround by adding an explosion block with the projectiles hit effect, but without any damage to wvery normal weapon.this would be great, i didnt know normal weapons can have a [explosion] input. only missiles?
Try it, or get 88flak.
Well, that’s not true in my experience, tbh. I remember seing the typical pink cloud of nomad lasers hitting me, I also remember how I was playing around with the ship’s hit effects and saw the results. all, projectile impact effect, shield hit effect and hull hit effects are visible to all observants. what is that particular effect you couldn’t see as receiver?
I’m well aware this is an old topic, but I can confirm that this is true. I’m considering putting explosions instead, but that’d mean having a LOT of them and I’m not too hot on the idea.
Has there been any progress since then?