Unusual Request
Hey guys,
I know I’ve not been on here in a while, so howdy
I’m looking for some of you guys to help me with something. I’ve come across the client files for an old game I used to play. Now most of the game itself is pretty open in terms of data. It used voxels for the ships and models.
There is one particular file I can’t seem to track down an extractor for, and there is very little information about this particular game left out there save for some screenshots and 1 Youtube video.
I was wondering if any of you file disassemblers would be good enough to take a crack at it. You guys are more familiar with this process having figured out the most of FL over the years.
If you don’t have time that’s fair enough, just thought I’d ask.
I’m almost positive it houses the pcx files for the user interface of the game. As well as the gun effects or trails.
Here’s a rough program to extract the pcx files (pck e) and put them back again (pck p). It’s expected to be run in the same directory as sdeath.pck; the files will be extracted to/read from the “pcx” subdirectory. I haven’t done anything with the effects or guns, but here’s an xd command to view them all (an addition to the command would let you edit the result and write them back).
xd sdeath.pck -rlL*4 -rll39zll*9 -rll19z39zLLL*167 -rll39z35ll*192 -rll39z6ll*29 =1
Thanks for putting that together adoxa!
Maybe I am doing something wrong but when I drag the sdeath.pck file to the pck exe file you linked to, it creates the pcx folder but doesn’t populate any files into it.
Am I meant to use it in combination with the xd file you also linked to?
Reason I ask is theres a pck.exe and a pck.c in there (no pck e or pck p).
EDIT: LOL I must be tired, looked at the c file and realised I needed to do pck.exe e