Divine Space game in development
Trying to do our best. Thank you
I hope our combat gameplay will be impressive too - at least thats our plan! -
looking veryvery cool so far
im looking forward to a dogfight video
and it seems like the jumpgate evo guys were lurking around @ kickstarter aswell^^
We plan to release on iPad and Android pads soon after. If kickstarter campaign will go well - there will be versions for PC, Mac and Linux too.
Divine Space campaign is LAUNCHED!
Come, come and help us to spread the word and fly to the goal! We need everyone to back us!
Divine Space at Kickstarter is here - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dodogames/divine-space-sci-fi-space-arpg
Thank you!
Hope you will support us and our development, no matter how - with some coins or spreading the word. It’s very important for us to success!
Hello, everyone.
We posted many big updates and telling stories about our development, answering to the questions and many other good stuff. Learn more here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dodogames/divine-space-sci-fi-space-arpg/posts