PHP in freelancer
I wouldn’t recommend it?
PHP is for web pages. Freelancer should not be serving web pages, or getting anywhere near them.
Do I need apache to run this so others can connect to it? I have the files but not sure how to set it up to use it.
I see I’m getting errors. I know NOTHING about PHP and this is turning into a crash course for me. Any ideas on how to rename the goto function or where can I find that info? Any online courses you’d recommend?
I have xampp installed right now working on this.
I don’t know that attempting to make this work is the best way (or even a sensible way) of learning PHP, especially if you’ve never done programming before. Go back to basic courses, forget this project for now, do small, simple stuff, and then when you understand more about it, you can try coming back to this.
Alternatively, find a programmer
I’ve set that aside. I need to figure out how to rename goto using refactor.
In the meantime I’ve started a free online php course and I am now up to the following:
$name = “Patrick”;
$age = 45;
echo “Hello $name. You are $age years old.\n”;$x = 195793;
$y = 256836;
$sum = $x + $y;echo “The sum of $x and $y is $sum.”
?>SEE??? I really am trying to learn and not just get it easy.
Great, only about four years and eleven months left until you really now how to program!!!