Returning Expert
Im a returning expert I ran multiple different servers with different mods in the past. My game tag was always Cmdr_Han_Solo. Well Han Solo is still alive and well. I have just built a new server and would like to know if their is any way I can run the Nightstalker mod as a server. Any help or info about this would be my main aim. If not I am one of the last two experts on the Rebalance 3.6rc mod if I ran a server for that it would be a none standard server, Similar to the Rebalance Experiment 3.0 , server I ran for several years.
And best of all you only need the standard Rebalance 3.6 full version to play all other files were server side mods.Any replies or advice would be a great help, I was an expert at playing the Nightstalker mod and made a lot of friends that have now vanished. I was invited to play on the server after the original one shut down so it must be possible to run a new server…
I suggest you contact Nightstalker, but i can tell you his expert answer. They used to run two servers of which i believe only one now runs the mod expertly. A guy called Zeus runs the US server, he’s also an expert.
Yes I think I already know what he will say, shame but I would suggest keeping an eye on the server list for a new server.
Because being told this or that mod is not possible to run as a server never stopped people like me before, but because I did say hi to Nightstalker a long time ago on his server and he was a cool guy im not going to try his mod because he did not like the idea then.
So altered-states or rebalance are at number one and two so far.
Thank you for your reply. Before I for get he may even remember me, like I said I was always Han Solo or Gen Han Solo on every server I played my admin char was and will be Cmdr_Han_Solo at one point you would have found me running or helping to run six servers at the same time…Happy Holidays every one see you in the black on the server that I will be testing and then running as soon as I chose the mod.