Unrecognized info type - Error
Hey ho
one of my friends constructed a few ships for my mod. Simply a few advanced Freelancer Vanilla models.
All works fine in the game, The .cmp works fine, The hitbox or .sur works fine either.
but….my Freelancer Server Console gives me this error !!! and i dont know what the hell this means and what does this Error exactly do! the game works fine ! without crashes
Error from Console :
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\PhyArch.cpp(254) : *** ERROR: File(ships\bretonia\BR_VERYHEAVY\br_vheavy_fighter.sur) Part(308842285) contains unrecognized info type. Aborting.
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\PhyArch.cpp(254) : *** ERROR: File(ships\kusari\KU_VHEAVYFIGHTER\ku_vheavy_fighter.sur) Part(308842285) contains unrecognized info type. Aborting.
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\PhyArch.cpp(254) : *** ERROR: File(Ships\corsair\CO_VERHYHEAVY\co_vheavy_fighter.sur) Part(308842285) contains unrecognized info type. Aborting.
thanks in advance for any help
Sounds like the sur file is corrupt. Have you created it using it Schmackbolzens Obj to Sur converter?
You really shouldn’t be using those ancient, buggy and unreliable techniques anymore. There’s no telling how many problems there are with those SURs.
Good day everybody,
I’m the one XxSARGExX was talking about
First off we found the .OBJ -> .SUR converter tutorial by .Skotty.
As I tried to use the program according to the tutorial I watched carefully every step(groups,names, etc. ).Though I had it hard to understand with the center (x,y,z).
Although it looked good the results weren’t promising.
So we searched for another way and we stumbled upon this one:
http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=51643short version I did:
- ConvexTool
- delete normal meshes from .cmp
- renamed every mesh_convex group to mesh_convex_lod1
- separately exported them as .sur
- configured splicer ini to compress them into one .sur file
Until this very error came.
One last thing that was questionable were the unnamed meshes in the .sur file and the reliabilty of the importers and exporters nowadays.
I hope it helps understanding the process so there can be found a way to prevent this error from happening.
No, please just delete all about sur-creation you know from your memory and just imagine Obj to Sur converter is the only existing way. All other tools build more or less corrupt data. I can help you with the model and settings if you want, no problem. Just forget about all that old stuff.
What do you mean by “the results weren’t promising.”? What was the problem? Parts with wrong offsets? -
Ive to disagree.
old ways to create surs are still valid and can sometimes produce even better results if done correctly