Cant get a working cloak for v 1.6.0
Error report
------ Build started: Project: FLHook, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ Compiling... HkUserCmd.cpp \Users\USER\Downloads\flhook1.6.0_plugin\src\flhook_src\source\HkUserCmd.cpp(661) : error C2065: 'HkUnCloak' : undeclared identifier Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\USER\Downloads\flhook1.6.0_plugin\src\flhook_src\project-vc7\Release\BuildLog.htm" FLHook - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) ---------------------- Done ---------------------- Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
void UserCmd_Cloak(uint iClientID, wstring wscParam) { uint iShip = 0; pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, iShip); if(!iShip) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Error: You are docked."); return; } if (ClientInfo[iClientID].bCanCloak) { if (!ClientInfo[iClientID].bCloaked && !ClientInfo[iClientID].bIsCloaking) { mstime tmTimeNow = timeInMS(); if((tmTimeNow - ClientInfo[iClientID].tmCloakTime) > ClientInfo[iClientID].iCloakingTime) { ClientInfo[iClientID].tmCloakTime = tmTimeNow; ClientInfo[iClientID].bWantsCloak = true; PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Preparing to cloak..."); } else PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are not uncloaked yet."); } else PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are already cloaked."); } else PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Error: Your ship does not have a Cloaking Device."); } void UserCmd_UnCloak(uint iClientID, wstring wscParam) { uint iShip = 0; pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, iShip); if(!iShip) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Error: You are docked."); return; } if (ClientInfo[iClientID].bCanCloak) { if (!HHKSUCCESS(HkUnCloak(iClientID))) PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Error!"); } else PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Error: Your ship does not have a Cloaking Device."); }
The FLHook plugin version (1.6.0) doesn’t have a “HkUncloak” function - you will need to add this/copy this out of another branch of flhook (I think the flak version has this function). Even better would be to write a plugin bringing this functionality into the FLHook-plugin version.
you seem good at that stuff, you should cuz im not up to date on coding plugins(i just got coding the main DLL yesterday)
but any chance someone could help get a working cloak for 1.6.0, i have been working on recoding the old cloak to update in this version but have not had success yet.
It shouldn’t be very hard to make a cloak plugin, but it’ll have to wait until I have some free time for coding, which should be in about a week.
I can wait, thanks.
M0tah is pretty good with hook
he designed the 88 Flak version
I’m hoping to find time to study hook and C++ so, I can try to make so extra stuff for hook as well
been wanting a chat program that will let you say hi to friends in FL without having to login
that way if you won’t be able to play for a little while you don’t have to login tell them and then leave -
M0tah upgraded the cloaking code base on wodka’s work. the code very easy to add to FLHook 1.6.0 Plugin version, just search the keyword “cloak” in FLHook Flak version’s source code and add the code to your project. and dont forget credit to wodka and M0tah ;D
I’ll be releasing some plugins soon, among them a cloak plugin
(and I got your PM, F!R :)). Just finished updating flak_common so I’ll likely work on the cloak plugin later today, depending on the state of FLHook 1.6.2.