I dont what an exclusion zone is. can someone tell me?
It’s an exclusion zone to prevent asteroids or other stuff appearing along the route of the patrol path in an area which is BOX shaped and 500 high by 500 wide and 25k long. How do i know it’s for a patrol path, cos it says so lol. Nearly forgot, it’s at an angle of 65 degrees
nickname = Zone_St01_Osiris_path_exclusion
pos = 25289, 0, -20155
rotate = 0, 65, 0
shape = BOX
size = 500, 500, 25000for example what does this mean? is this supposed to the original area for the osiris in single player?
It seems its a lane exclusion box what you can set in a system.ini file. There are two types: box and sphere.
for box:
size= width, height, lenght.This exclusion zones “cut” the area in asteroidfield (for a trade lane for example), also it works on every field objects like clouds, gasfields, minefields etc…
The sphere type is similar: There is a cloud for example and a planet in it, so you want to clear space around your planet, you can use this command.
If you use sphere then the size = radius, what you can set in Fle or manually in that system.ini file where the object could be found.The common right: (according to your datas):
In the system.ini file:
nickname = Zone_St01_Osiris_path_exclusion
pos = 25289, 0, -20155
rotate = 0, 65, 0
shape = BOX
size = 500, 500, 25000and you have to make entries in that .ini where you want to cut this box from:
let be an asteroidfield:Then in its asteroid.ini:
[Exclusion Zones]
exclusion = Â Zone_St01_Osiris_path_exclusion –-> (this row is allways referring to the exclusion zone you assigned)
exclude_billboards = 1If you want make clear space in cloud thats a bit different:
nickname = Zone_St01_Osiris_path_exclusion
pos = 25289, 0, -20155
rotate = 0, 65, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 9000The entries in that nebula.ini you want to cut it from:
[Exclusion Zones]
exclusion = Zone_St01_Osiris_path_exclusion –----> (as mentioned before)
fog_far = 9000.000000 —> (i guess its the clear space size)
zone_shell = solar\nebula\generic02_exclusion.3db ----> (this is a .3db file you can open it by hardcmp, you will see that texture inside)
shell_scalar = 1.100000 —> (i dont know yet)
max_alpha = 0.600000 —> (i dont know yet maybe referring to the colors but im not sure)
exclusion_tint = red, green, blue —> (each from 0 to 256)I hope it helps
would it be ok if i put an osiris battle ship in that spot?
Sure, there wont be problem with that.
Indeed, but you may want to make the exclusion zone larger (especially taller and wider) to accomodate for the manoeuvering needed to dock with capital ships or just to make it look a bit better.