Cruising in a straight line or near to it
I’ve been playing with this for a few hours now and I just can’t remember how you make it so a ship only flies in a straight line while in cruise… But actually I want it to be near straight only though!
Can anyone shed some light on this? Used to have a note but all gone…
I’ve been playing with this for a few hours now and I just can’t remember how you make it so a ship only flies in a straight line while in cruise… But actually I want it to be near straight only though!
Can anyone shed some light on this? Used to have a note but all gone…
Press the spacebar. You can also use the F2 key.
Uhm… Not sure where I went wrong with my question!? I’m no noob even though my post count says it and this is the modding section and not the newbie and help section right!?..
What I mean is there’s something with drag or a constant you can change so the ships can only fly in a straight line while in cruise…
Okay, maybe the first part of my reply seemed a bit too cocky… But no harm meant DwnUndr
Now we’re getting somewhere. Only way i know to make something fly in a straight line is with these lines from the shiparch entry
steering_torque = 24000, 24000, 104000
angular_drag = 60000, 60000, 60000
rotation_inertia = 16800, 16800, 16800Set those all to 0 and it won’t turn and only fly in a straight line. Of course the drawback with this is you can’t maneuver at all which is why this method is normally used for comets and other solar related stuff that only flies from point A to point B. It’s useless for ships. I don’t know any other way to achieve what you are after
I think legion is planing a hyperdrive like in starwars where u have to calculate your route so u dont crash into a planet sun or something.
From what i know about FL this is not possible via modding but maybe some of the hooking specialists knowns a way to do it.
I think it should be possible via clienthooking as there are other cmd’s like /stuck that moves a player so if that is possible it should also be possible to correct the player possition and direction.Greetz
Mind -
I’ve played around with it a bit more now and it IS possible to make a ship fly in a complete straight line and not able to steer in another direction while in cruise… However you can still turn the ship like it was in engine kill but not able to shoot due to cruise being activated…
I had a look through common.dll and
found this line: CRUISE_DRAG, but it’s not present in the exe! I found an old topic in the old archives: for Cold Voids post!
But here’s a nice one I re-discovered while playing with the drag values… How to to stop capitalships from doing flybys when you hit engine kill so the ship will stop immediatly.
Here’s the trick:
Assume our ship flies 100 m/sec when not in cruise.
- Open up shiparch.ini and find the ship you want to edit
- Change the original linear_drag value to “linear_drag = 599.000000”
- Now open up engine_equip.ini and find the engine you are using on your ship and under linear_drag you change that to “linear_drag = 0” and max_force to “max_force = 60000” on that engine.
And there ya go… No more ship flybys when hitting engine kill