Missions in large systems
Can anyone please have a look if there is an offset for this? I am sure others wouldn’t mind that either, I am certain others could have use of it, too. I’d have a look myself, but except for an ineffective trial and error method, I have no idea how (especially that I don’t know what the exact limit is). I’d be very happy if someone could have a look at this.
For a while now, I have been working with large-sized systems (mostly the stock FL systems, resized to 5x the original size) - I have managed to tackle every problem so far, that is, introducing dynamic asteroid fields to counter the cube-not-appearing problem, increasing view distance and NPC spawning properties; but now I am stuck.
Let’s take our 5x size New York. I don’t get any missions, anywhere! The only exception is West Point, where rarely I can see one or two missions, all going to one of the nearby vignettes. My question is, how come? Is there a distance property somewhere that after a certain distance no vignette is taken into consideration? I don’t even mind if it is an exe hack, if anyone can take a look for me. Surely some of you have worked with huge systems and have encountered this - can you help me out?
(And while we are at it, can you give me a hint on making missions pay more in general, because of the increased distances)
Freelancer however has static limits to how far it “sees” vignettes (something like 40k I think?). Above that, it considers the vignettes to be too far off.
Hence, if your vignette was 9k from the base and your systems are 5x larger, your vignette is now 45k from the base and outside of the limit.
yes the vignette zone should be within a 30k distance of the base.
But as i understand BBalazs he only changed the system size so the distances should still be the same.Did u try to correct the size back to vailla size?
I would change the size bit by bit till i loose missons if that#s the problem.There are many missions from a system into an other, and thats more than 40k far from the base you accept the mission. I think the exclusion zones (vignettes now) correlated to the center of the map. If you make 5 times bigger system than the original, the zones cant be defined for the center because vanilla systems have their own limits, nevertheless you can place objects, bases, etc… in the expanded system, but they are just objects and this zones contains dynamic properties like npc spawn, missions etc… It might be programing thing. (Its just a guess, im not programer, but i can think of it only)
Mission from manhatten operating in colorado at the ny JG or Missions from malta in omicron beta are specialy coded.
Also the 30k limit doesnt count when there is a lane from the base that ends near the mission zone.
Its surly the distance from the base as Friendly Fire’s calculation is absolutly correct!Greetz
MindEdit: I would like to know the offset for this 30k limit cause most most have faster ships and bigger systems and its a bit weird if u only fly 15-20 seconds to the mission waypoint (any ideas Motah?
hey… that might work…
Unless there is a limit on how far a attached object can be away from its parent… FL “should” see
that as part of the base… Just thought id pop in my 5cents… ;D -
hey… that might work…
Unless there is a limit on how far a attached object can be away from its parent… FL “should” see
that as part of the base… Just thought id pop in my 5cents… ;DChecked. 30K absolutely sure. I placed a weapon platform 32k from the base when i clicked on it, the base itself appeared
EDIT: 120K still works
I tried adding nav buoys, whose parent is Li01_01 to several vignettes in New York. This included one vignette in the badlands “field” type and two vignettes that would otherwise be in use by Manhattan, one was “open” type, and the other one was “exclusion” type. I was able to select Manhattan using the objects, but had no luck with missions showing up…
I tried adding nav buoys, whose parent is Li01_01 to several vignettes in New York. This included one vignette in the badlands “field” type and two vignettes that would otherwise be in use by Manhattan, one was “open” type, and the other one was “exclusion” type. I was able to select Manhattan using the objects, but had no luck with missions showing up…
Just one thing: Do you use FLe to add this objects to Manhattan?
No way
Not since the very beginning when it screwed up my day’s work. Manual ini editing all the way.Edit: I do use FLE to view the system, however - to quickly find which vignette to add the nav buoy into. NY after all has tons of them; but only to view the system, not a single modification done in FLE.
No way
Not since the very beginning when it screwed up my day’s work. Manual ini editing all the way.Edit: I do use FLE to view the system, however - to quickly find which vignette to add the nav buoy into. NY after all has tons of them; but only to view the system, not a single modification done in FLE.
I had many problems when i added things to new york system. As far as i know new york a bit different, and sensitive to modifications.
Try this object and parent things in an other system. -
Tried with California and Colorado, but no luck.
Well, the next step, try to make absolutely new unique system and do this mission thing there.
EDIT: just one more possibility: check the population zones in that area, you want to place the mission vignette. Maybe there is a relation between the mission zone and the base faction emergence in that area.
The second possibility is out of the question, as the systems we are talking about are COMPLETELY the same as the original ones. In FLE, or the navmap, for example, you can’t even tell the difference. It might be 5x the size, but everything is where it proportionally should be - so this, I believe is still more of a distance-from-base issue.
I will try your first idea, but seeing that it didn’t work in california or colorado, I have high doubts that it will in a custom system.
**Well, you could simply add extra zones near each base, a bit tedious but it would clear up part of the problem, another on is are you red to any of the factions in New York, if not you won’t get hardly any missions.
In SSM, I have a 700k system from side to side, missions are quite prevalent at all of the bases, I used to never get any until I moved some of the zones to within 30k of the center of the planet (to the center of the zone).
New York is usually no problem to edit for me, I have found that as long as I put patrol paths endpoints to the correct base, then I don’t have any crashes in that system.**