Models giveaway
May i present… the “SGX-Necron”…
Thanks agian Sol… more vids to come in the next few days… I’ve finished 3 Anna-V’s… there next…
That looks like an almost stealth blackbird or something, it’s good that it shows up on the radar otherwise it would’ve been hard to spot it
Sweet !
Gibbon m8, wanted to let you know I’m working on a couple of variations for the Junker trade lane, making it look as u said, broken and stuff. I don’t think I’ll finish the texture today cause I’ve got a little work to do around the house so most likely tomorrow I’ll post the model
Several of these scattered in a sector should look pretty sweet to “spice up” the scenery.
After a texturing marathon I finished UV-mapping all 7 variations, now I’m baking the textures, hopefully I’ll bake them all before I have to leave.
Ok here are the trade lanes. The textures ren’t as good as the original cause it’s one thing to texture 1 model and something else to texture 7
>> Download model here <<
OMFG Sol U’re a unbelievable modeler!!!
Thanks for your work, we will add the lanes, carriers, sleepership, destroyed station and all the other stuff to NU asap!
Have fun using the lanes guys but remember, pirates can still disrupt these trade lanes
Descender, that’s great m8, this makes my schedule lighter. I’m in a big pile of projects but I’m starting to see the light of the day :)))) -
Been working on my blog for a couple of hours and I’d need to know, from several ppl using several browsers, if the blog(and links/images on the right) shows up /works ok for you AND how long does it take to load the page.
…… anyone ?
Thx for the input guys. If it shows up ok for you means it’s all ok so no need for additional changes on the code for a while.
Spent the last 2 hours doing a couple of ships for a wing commander mod that I’ve been asked to do some time ago. Did my best to try and keep them low-poly so they’re not exactly clones of the ships from the pic I had as a guide but they should do. Ppl can always edit them to make them more wing commander-ish. One thing thou, the engines need to be replaced with something that would fit with the game’s design cause I haven’t played that game for many years so I have forgotten mostly everything about the models in there. Am posting these ships here also cause maybe some of the freelancer modders will find a use for them too.
>> download <<
or you try doing a better ship after you’ve been in a cloud of pepper spray
Life is always full of surprises lol.
Several days ago, Forsaken asked me if I could do two more ships like Cobra but one that would look faster, like an intercetor, and one that would look like an ultra-heavy fighter or some sort of bomber. Well I did both today but I only managed to texture the bomber at this time cause for some reason like half the polys overlapped after mapping the model, so I had to manually move all of them … I can tell you it wasn’t a nice experience … pure horror !! I will do the interceptor tomorrow also.
Dunno why but the more I look at this ship the more it seems to resemble like a spaceship version of an Audi when you look at it from the front :)))) lol, got a sick & twisted mind.** Note that you can change those 2 logos on the texture rather easy if you don’t like them **
So here it is -> the Cobra Bomber, aka missile-whore:
>> Download model here <<
or -
I pumped some steroids and managed to finish the texture for the Interceptor also
>> Download model here <<