Models giveaway
SolCommand wrote:
Next project … ?
? please please please please please
Mirkha wrote:
? please please please please please
Is this a good time to tell u I hate star wars ?
I’ll see if I find time for this one these days m8.Edit:
I edited a few things on my blog (still far from finished) and realized I should add a few links to direct ppl to some of the biggest mods out there. Any suggestions ? -
& you called me fast… bugger me she’s beautiful m8…
Next… hmm… how old ye Sol… do you remember the “original” V series… and those awesome transports they used?? we “need” a WORKING gunstar from last starfighter (the avalible one has major issues… belive me its been months and its still not converting properly)… anything from “Battle beyond the stars”… (awesome sci-fi film… i suggest anyone not seen… GO WATCH IT!!)
oh… hehe… and a LEXX… low poly of course… that’s the prob with the existing model it crashes in almost every modeler proggy as its just SO huge…
But V Transports… yeah… i dare say that will only take ye about a few hours at max… they pretty basic… just none exist… & I NEED EM… bahahahahah!!.. a V mothership would be cool too… for a base…
now if i could just get someone to make those uniforms for NPC’s… hmm… rabbits… tasy…
Erm… I could use a few new playtesters 8-) links on my sig m8
I’m 22 m8 and I’m sorry to say I haven’t seen that show u talking about. Post some pics of what you say you’d need and I’ll have a look, k ?
well… whilst searching for relevant pics… I managed to pick me up a 3ds of a smaller shuttle… nice… but for what i have planned in this area… just the begining…
Here are some pics i found around the net… some are kitbashes from fans… but i love the junkyard pic… I could go crazy in there…
& for fun… here’s “that” uniform… and what they “really” look like…
Still no “good” pics of a mothership… but it was basicly just a giant UFO… standard circle type. I will be spending Xmas -> NY watching it all again… as that’s when i get my box set from santa… lol
And some drawings that may be of use -
SolCommand wrote:
The sleeper ship is an icon of Freelancer so I reckon my model has room for improvement …… as such, feel free to come with suggestions on things you’d like modified and I’ll look into it.
I named this ship “Oltenia” and I would appreciate it a lot if you’d keep the name at least somewhere in the ship’s infocard in the game … if you’ll use it of course.
Well here it is:
Download model in 3DS format here:
or all models from here:**
Next project … ?
*Jaw drops, then falls off chair onto the floor. . . . . *
Holy cow, There was no way i’d be able to get that amount of detail into this ship. Many many thnaks I will see how the others like it and let them know who made it , I can not wait to get this going. Much thanks Mate.
Passes a cold sixpack your way "here mate You deserive it "
@ Tunicle… there sweet m8… gonna have to hijack someones printer and print them out for my wall 8-)
Just played a bit with the shuttle… methinks i’ll try UV mapping this one… as it “has” to be 100% perfect… close just wont cut it… ( i textured it… but no… defiantly try UV mapping here…) when she’s done… I’ll hunt down its owner (there was no info…) & see about releasing it for all
@ Sol… I imported the sleeper into ms3d… and it went all funky… seems it lost some weld or verticie data along the way… bad triangles everywhere… any ideas on how i would fix that … I have Blender/XSI & Wings3d here… maybe in blender?.. oh and no 6 pack… here’s the darn brewery… hehe
Xarian_Prime wrote:
@ Sol… I imported the sleeper into ms3d… and it went all funky… seems it lost some weld or verticie data along the way… bad triangles everywhere… any ideas on how i would fix that … I have Blender/XSI & Wings3d here… maybe in blender?.. oh and no 6 pack… here’s the darn brewery… heheGot the same trouble, Used LithUnwrap opened it fine, resaved it as an OBJ file, Imported perfectly, but upon trying to texture it I was like WTF aye, I had no ideal what I needed to do to get it right.
I am sorry for the inconvenience guys. I gotta get some sleep now cause I’m going back to work in 5 hours but I did 2 test versions of the ship in .obj format. Indeed when I tried to save the original model in .obj format it gave an error, after a little bit of modifying the model I received no more errors when converting to obj. Test these version and let me know if they work. If not, I will look into it more when I get back from work ok ?
OMG and i mean OH !!! MY !!! GOOOOOOD!!!
Cool sleepership sol and a great addition to the FL stock. -
Thx Mindhunter, just doing what I can
…. so are those 2 models ok guys ? Any more errors ?
EDIT: I’ve been working for 4 hours trying to figure out what’s the deal with these errors, atm I’m in the final tests. Gonna post a new download link in a few minutes/hours.
After many hours of starring at vertices I think the sleeper ship is good to go. I don’t get any more errors when converting to .obj format. I also imported it into LithUnwrap and it looks pretty good but I have no idea how to work with that program, none at all, since I just installed it to test the model, so don’t take my word, test it yourself and see if it shows up well. I dunno how a model should look in lithunwrap so let me … us all, know if it’s ok, alright ?
If for some reason the model still shows problems … everyone feel free to track down the bug
I am also working on developing a cool uvw map for this ship but dunno if i’ll get it done … would be cool if i would/could but we’ll see.Download the new model, 3ds + obj format:
Had a few busy days at work but managed to get this done a few minutes ago:
Download model in .3DS and .OBJ format:
O.M.G.!!.. my very own ship… and it’s V like…
Words just can’t express my thanks Sol… truly… you are a legend! Expect to see this ship feature in alot of my mods new pics… hehe, gotta sleep for a bit right now… but i’ll get her up and running when i wake
EDIT: oh… and the sleeper works a treat now m8
Here’s the second version of the “V” ships:
Download model in .3DS and .OBJ format:
And, only a few minutes old, the third version:
Download the model in .3ds and .obj format:
I’m looking for someone to make me the “View from the Gallery”
Which would be the 2262 gallery fighter
I only have one pic of it. -
I will look into it eagleclaw.
Since I had some spare time on my hands I had a try at Mirkha’s request after I made that transporter but as I already said I’m not really into star wars designs so this model is very basic yet it will look cool if you apply the right texture to it. If it’s of any use for u m8, cool, if not, burn it
Download model in 3ds and obj format:
sorry for double posting but I don’t like to present 2 models in a single post
Here’s an asteroid base that could be a dock or shipyard for the sleepership or any other ship you want it to be replaced with:
The sleepership alone has like 28k polys in this scene.
Since the sleepership is huge in dimensions so is the asteroid and as such you could fly easily inside it, that’s why there’s such a high poly count cause I tried to add a little bit of depth into the details so you’d have what to look at when you fly there.
I got this model idea after i download a free asteroid model from the net …. I made a hole into it, modified the hole’s edge to look more rocky and started adding structures to the scene.**
Download model in .3DS and .OBJ format: