Flhook 1.6.0 plugin-p3 Help For A Noob Please
when i touble click on the exe it just has comes up with a send error thing. is the exe needed to make the plugin work? or is it just for editing purposes.
i have inside the restart folder a ship file i made called test
ok cool so the problem im having is the restart ships are not working any answers for that?. see first post
could you copy and past yours here so i can see you hole thing?
dllname = playercntl.dll
name = Player Control v1.0 by Cannon
shortname = playercntl
maypause = false
mayunload = true[dsy_license_li_n_grp]
co_alg_grp = -0.07, 0
co_vr_grp = 0.80, 3
fc_admin = -0.70, 1[Hooks]
hook = UserCmd_Process, 3
hook = UserCmd_Help, 3
hook = LoadSettings, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::PlayerLaunch, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::BaseEnter, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::SetTarget, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::SubmitChat, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::DisConnect, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::CharacterInfoReq, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::LocationEnter, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::CharacterSelect, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::JumpInComplete, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::GFGoodBuy, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqAddItem, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqChangeCash, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::TractorObjects, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqEquipment, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqHullStatus, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqSetCash, 3
hook = HkIServerImpl::ReqShipArch, 3
hook = HkCb_SendChat, 3
hook = HkTimerCheckKick, 3
hook = ClearClientInfo, 3
hook = SendDeathMsg, 3
hook = ExecuteCommandString_Callback, 3[General]
EnableMoveChar = yes
EnableRenameMe = yes
EnablePimpShip = yes
EnableRestart = yes
EnableGiveCash = yes
EnableDropRepAndMisc = yes
RepDropCost = 350000
StuckMsg = Attention! Stand clear. Towing %player
DiceMsg = %player rolled %number
CoinMsg = %player tossed %result
SmiteMusic = music_danger
DisconnectingPlayersRange = 5000
ReportDisconnectingPlayers = yes
KillDisconnectingPlayers = yes
LootDisconnectingPlayers = yes
HullDropFactor = 0.0
CargoDropContainer = lootcrate_ast_loot_metal
HullDrop1NickName = commodity_super_alloys
HullDrop2NickName = commodity_engine_components
DisconnectMsg = %player is attempting to engage cloaking device[Restart]
MaxRank = 5
MaxCash = 1000000[Rename]
RenameCost = 2000000
RenameTimeLimit = 86400
MoveCost = 2000000[GiveCash]
MinTransfer = 100000
MinTime = 3600
BlockedSystem = iw09[ShipPimper]
cost = 2000000[RepFixer]
EnableRepFixUpdates = yes
LogRepFixUpdates = yes
ItemMustBeMounted = yes[RepFixerItems]
CheckIDRestrictions = no
EnforceIDRestrictions = no[Message]
CustomHelp = yes
CmdEcho = yes
CmdHide = yes
CmdEchoStyle = 0x00AA0090
SpecialBannerDelay = 3000
StandardBannerDelay = 1200[Help]
The following commands are available:
/system, /local, /group, /invite, /invite$, /join, /leave, /target, /reply, /privatemsg, /privatemsg$, /factionmsg, /factioninvite, /time, /showmsgs, /setmsg, /[0-9], /l[0-9], /g[0-9], /t[0-9], /givecash, /drawcash, /setcashcode, /showcash, /renameme, /pingtarget, /ping, /credits, /ids, /id, /ignoreid, /ignore, /delignore, /set movecharcode, /set chattime, /set chatfont, /set diemsgsize, /set diemsg, /movechar, /mail, /maildel, /coin, /dice, /restart and /showrestarts
Type command with no parameters to see command details.[GreetingBanner]
Text = <tra data=“0x40B60008” mask=“-1”><text>Welcome to your server!</text>
Text = <tra data=“0x40B60000” mask=“-1”><text>Type /help for more information</text>[StandardBanner]
Text = <tra data=“0xFF920540” mask=“-1”><text>Don’t use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.</text></tra></tra></tra> -
yep i had all that. it turns out that player controls must be to buggy as i download the a restart plugin on its own and it works. it seems it doese not work with the playercontrol plugin.
Er, actually…
an undocumented feature I believe the restart directory needs to be put in the flhook_plugins directory, i.e.
EXE/flhook_plugins/restart/ <various *.fl=“” files=“”>This is a different directory name and location to the restart plugin one.</various>
o yes i tryed that and it works thanks dude all my problems are solved lol. thanks