TLR shield: solution(hack/plugin) request
A weird thing: when tradelane is destroyed(I mean tlr ring is shot to 0 hitpoints), and is expected to be restored, say in 600 seconds(10 times longer than default value), it’s shield gets restored much faster(as it’s restore time suggests), despite healthbar is 0, meaning the tlr is still killed. Is there any way to prevent tlr shield from being restored before tlr gets restored?
I remember adoxa made a plugin that made tradelane randomly disrupt, so I guess it’s doable??
Or FLHook?
I also found that shield can be blown off the object, unlike turrets.
[destroy_hp_attachment] at_t = 0.000000, 1.000000 hardpoint = HpShield01 fate = debris ```?
So, target is - in destroyed mode tlr shield regen must be slower than in normal operation?
Sorry, I don’t follow what’s going on. In my experiments, the tlr is down for as long as offline_threshold_time in TLR_Shield_gen01. This is 30 seconds by default, where are you getting 60? That’s the only value I see, there’s no separate “tlr shield” and “tlr”. The plugin just throws you out of the lane, there’s no actual damage to the ring.
60d server.dll 085530 w0dk4 respawn time for any solar object to regain full health once destroyed
60 from here.
I made TLR destructible, it has 500000 hit_pts. It has no destroy_root line. Changed 60d offset to 600d. So it will take 600 seconds for TLR to regain it’s health after destroyed(after shot to 0 hitpoints). But tlr shield gets restored in 30 seconds as you said. And this is the problem. The shield should be down until TLR ragains it’s health(until 600d time will pass).
well, imagine tlr shield is shot down - it takes 600 seconds to get restored = way too long time, ind if someone decides to take off all the tlr shields?? after tradelane is disrupted -too long again and if it’s gets restored as it’s time in tradelane_down suggests - then why so quickly? And destroying TLR takes more time than taking off the shield - so that means that after the shield is respawned, tlr will still have 0 hitpoints for some time.
and finally, it is weird when it takes too long for tlr shield to get restored and not comfortable.
And 600 is just to test, actually planed 1200 or 1800 -
adoxa wrote:
OIC, silly me! Let me see if I can make it destructible and I’ll get back to you…ummm destructible?? what are you going to make destructible? Shield simply has to stay offline until tlr will regain some health(more than 0).
Anyway thanks for looking into it.
I’m going to make the TLR destructible so I can test it out. Don’t know if I did it right (I could give it hit points, but it stayed around and the points never got restored). Anyway, give this a try. It’ll work with any object, not just trade lanes.
Adoxa, unfortunately plugin is a bit imperfect.
After tradelane is shot to ‘‘death’’, the shield bar disapperars, I can’t dock, npcs can’t dock, if it is not a terminal ring - tradelane gets disrupted = everything works.
But after 30 seconds: npcs CAN dock, I CAN’T dock, if it is not a terminal ring - tradelane does not get disrupted, and I can’t disrupt tradelane by shooting.
Tradelane still has 0 hitpoints and has no shieldbar.?