Missions: It just won't start!
do we assume that this solar is existing in a solararch file, has a fitting loadout and is defined as base in universe.ini? try to look at the osiris from the original game, guess that’s what you want your launch battleship to be like.
Gisteron wrote:
do we assume that this solar is existing in a solararch file, has a fitting loadout and is defined as base in universe.ini? try to look at the osiris from the original game, guess that’s what you want your launch battleship to be like.Actually, it isn’t my launch battleship, its my reach battleship.
The point is that wether its a solar or a ship, it just won’t spawn! It starts the 1st trigger and doesn’t pass to the next one! I’ll try to find out the problem.EDIT: I tried all I got, and nothing… Best I got is a crash… Maby I’ll rebuild the mission. Wish me luck!
Dont know if you got to notice the typo in the code here:
nickname = training_target
affiliation = fc_rn_grp
npc_ship_arch = MSN01a_training_target
individual_name = 1[MsnShip]
nickname = training_target
NPC = training_traget <–------------------
position = 30000, 700, -30000
orientation = 0, 0, 0, 0
random_name = false
radius = 0 -
Sorry to double post.
I’m not sure what you wanted from your mission, but ive done a quick example if your interested.
You might want to edit the ships and some id text but it might help in what your looking for.npcships.ini in the M01a folder:
nickname = MSN12_King
loadout = MSN13_King
level = d13
ship_archetype = or_elite
pilot = MSN13_King
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, elite_fighter[NPCShipArch]
nickname = MSN01a_Donau
loadout = MSN01a_Donau
level = d1
ship_archetype = rh_cruiser
pilot = MSN01a_Donau
state_graph = NOTHING
npc_class = lawful, cruiserand the m01a.ini
mission_title = 1
mission_offer = 1
reward = 4000
npc_ship_file = missions\m01a\npcships.ini[NPC]
nickname = rcruiser_m01a
affiliation = rh_n_grp
npc_ship_arch = MSN01a_Donau
voice = donau_voice_m01a
space_costume = rh_captain_head, rh_male_elite_body, prop_neuralnet_D
individual_name = 216001[NPC]
nickname = ak_m01a
npc_ship_arch = MSN12_King
voice = king
space_costume = li_scrote_head, li_scrote_body, comm_li_hatcher
affiliation = rh_n_grp
individual_name = 217204[NNObjective]
nickname = goto_the_waypoint
state = HIDDEN
type = rep_inst, Rh01, 24265, 27265, 13715, 500, 35862, Don[ObjList]
system = Rh04
nickname = Don_move
Delay = 10
GotoVec = goto_no_cruise, 13715, 500, 35862, 500, true, -1.000000[ObjList]
system = ALL
nickname = khayman_form_on_trent
Delay = 19
Follow = Player, 3000, -20, 0, 40[MsnShip]
nickname = khayman
NPC = ak_m01a
radius = 0
label = Khayman
label = allied[MsnShip]
nickname = Don
NPC = rcruiser_m01a
label = Don[Trigger]
nickname = lets_start
system = Rh04
InitState = ACTIVE
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_ForceLand = Rh04_01_Base
Cnd_BaseEnter = Rh04_01_Base
Cnd_SpaceExit = no_params
Act_AdjAcct = 3000
Act_NNIds = 30000, HISTORY
Act_NNIds = 30005, HISTORY
Act_ActTrig = get_to_the_don
Act_ActTrig = player_dies
Act_ActTrig = Don_dies[Trigger]
nickname = player_dies
system = ANY
Cnd_Destroyed = player, 1
Act_ChangeState = FAIL[Trigger]
nickname = Don_dies
system = ANY
Cnd_Destroyed = Don, 1
Act_ChangeState = FAIL
;Act_ActTrig = respawn_Don[Trigger]
nickname = respawn_Don
system = ANY
Cnd_Timer = 30
Act_SpawnShip = Don, Don_move, 13715, 500, 35862, 0.780800, 0, 0.624700, 0[Trigger]
nickname = get_to_the_don
Cnd_LaunchComplete = Player
Act_Popupdialog = 60253, 21925, CLOSE
Act_ActTrig = get_to_the_don_close[Trigger]
nickname = get_to_the_don_close
Cnd_PopUpDialog = CLOSE
Act_SpawnShip = Don, Don_move, 13715, 500, 35862, 0.780800, 0, 0.624700, 0
Act_MarkObj = Don, 1
Act_SetVibe = Don, Player, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SetVibe = Player, Don, REP_FRIEND_MAXIMUM
Act_SpawnShip = khayman, khayman_form_on_trent, -8888, 0, -30074, 0.780800, 0, 0.624700, 0
Act_Invulnerable = khayman, true, false, 0.950000
Act_SetVibe = khayman, Player, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_SetVibe = Player, khayman, REP_FRIEND_THRESHOLD
Act_MarkObj = khayman, 1
Act_SetOffer = 21805
Act_SetTitle = 21800
Act_SetNNObj = goto_the_waypoint
Act_ActTrig = timer[Trigger]
nickname = timer
Cnd_Timer = 10
Act_ActTrig = first_com[Trigger]
nickname = first_com
Cnd_True = no_params
Act_SendComm = khayman, Player, DX_M01_0384_KINGIts not finished or anything special, so make any/all the changes you need.
Hope it helps!
TheDvDMan wrote:
Gisteron wrote:
you have not had the OpenSP hack applied previously?Which hack? I don’t know any hack like this… I just use Reballance method for Open SP.
**EDIT:**I give up… The game is just teasing me! Without the FP7 scene it just won’t load the mission in any system! Its like when I make a mission I can’t succeed and if anybody ealse does it, a great success! Maby starting from Mission1b will work…?
you’re grossly overcomplicating this problem dvdman.
Download my wings of the federation mod and look at what I did to m01.ini . -
This thread goes to very wrong ways, and don’t even try to spoil my idea with all this rubbish of “look what i did, copy this”. I make this mod just as training for my mission creating skills. Thats why I don’t want to copy any code or look at any other code, just create. This is also the reason why I wanna re-code it.
honestly, trial and error is good, but only for unsolved problems. if there is something you can look at and understand, that is a far better and faster way to learn than if you just try out. if you are only willing to try, than there is no reason to ask questions. just do until your fingers bleed.
sry, if that was a bit grumpy, your last post was just crying for such an answer xDD
TheDvDMan wrote:
This thread goes to very wrong ways, and don’t even try to spoil my idea with all this rubbish of “look what i did, copy this”. I make this mod just as training for my mission creating skills. Thats why I don’t want to copy any code or look at any other code, just create. This is also the reason why I wanna re-code it.Wow, well, good luck…
I’ll say it though - nice post / contribution khayman
Sorry DvDMan, people won’t build a tutorial for you so that you don’t violate your principles of never looking at someone else’s code.
If you don’t want the help, don’t bother asking.
@ chips- Thanks
@ DvDMan - Erm, i wasnt trying to spoil any ideas, or try to show off in any way… i had to teach myself how to do this (infact im still learning) i know the amount of head and heartaches that comes with it and i was only trying to help.
an alternative could be using the new mission tool. hopefully it allows more customization than elder tools like faction or weapon creator…
Gisteron wrote:
an alternative could be using the new mission tool. hopefully it allows more customization than elder tools like faction or weapon creator…My tool edits existing missions, theres no empty mission template (its really easy to make one out of m01.init or m02.ini and the next version will have the template built in).
And DVDMan, not building on the work of others is irrational and self defeating. You can get a lot more done by using existing knowledge and expanding upon that than by doing everything yourself. Of course you could be the kind of person who codes in assembly to avoid using the work of others (APIs, Operating Systems) to make their life easier.