I was wondering if anyone knows what’s going on with flserver.de lately - since ~March 11th, graphs have been acting a bit differently to how they used to. Examples:
http://flserver.de/getgraph_singlesrv.php?sig=3c9e7231-b8144849-8e891836-3c413dd6&timeframe=year -
Pretty sure w0d said something about changing the precision of the stats reporting.
This is normal. After 1 month, I delete (average actually) a lot of the gathered data to reduce the size of the database. Therefore, you see this jump in precision always after around a month on the year graphs.
I know there are better ways to do this so its all smooth but I couldnt really be bothered. It actually may be a better idea to switch to an existing graph/reporting system rather than using my own crappy thing.