Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
That’s the problem; those images apparently don’t exist. At least, nobody found them to my knowledge.
I’m believing they aren’t images, they’re actual meshes of some sort defined through VMeshRef and VMeshData.
Brackets are in buttontextures.txm, it is a single corner that is mirrored using UV mapping…
Turns out you were modifying the wrong value - you want 0.0004f at 0x1d954c in Freelancer.exe. That’s the reciprocal of the distance at which the brackets will be drawn. Change it to 1 (00 00 80 3F) and the brackets disappear. Alternatively, patch the code itself at 0xec1b3 (0x7A0A to 0x9090) to always succeed the below zero test.
**I’ve been checking some of the values listed here, you need to verify the NPC spawning stuff, its incorrect for both unpatched and patched content.dll files, at least for the American version.
– 1775d in content.dll, 0x11AC80, 0x11BC80 = initial NPC max spawn distance in SP and MP (such as after respawn)
1.0 - 00 00 00 00
1.1 - 00 00 00 00** -
**Here is a snapshot of both files side by side in my hex editor
As you can see that isn’t the only one that isn’t there…
Both of these were installed yesterday directly from the CD, BTW this is the original CD that came out in 2003, not any of the new ones released after MS stopped selling them.** -
**My mistake on the original one, I accidentally used the patched version, updated the pic to the correct files…
Left - Original, stuck in patched folder to make it easier to compare
Right - Patched versionIn both the 11(a)(b)c80 is 00 00 00 00, could someone send me a copy of theirs so I can check it?**
Fox, are you using the original 1.1 or a modified version? I had another sent to me by FF and it is exactly like my version of content.dll…
**That is the missing key, thanks!
When I do doubles, its usually shortened to dbl, the way it was listed here looked like 1775 (d) decimal, maybe a legend in the first post will alleviate this misunderstanding.
Thanks again!**
I believe my earlier post tells you how to remove non-targetted brackets around ships.
try to increase max distance that a ship can be selected to – 100000000f in freelancer.exe, 0x1D15B8, 0x1D15B8 = square of max distance that a ship can be selected — change to 1000000000000 or 10000000000
surprisingly it kinda worked(as far as i remember), still can select ships, but no unselected brackets.
may be not true, but seemed to work.