Hi folks!
Hi everyone
After a couple of days of reading a LOT of topics to get a feel for what’s happening here, and waiting to have my name changed (btw thanks guys!) it’s time for a proper introduction.
I visited pretty much every server there is, but only played actively on two of them for a total of about 5 years. On the last server I really got interested in how the game works, and starting fiddling about myself. I was invited to join the server staff and mod team and learned a lot since then.
At some inevitable point I couldn’t help thinking how it would be to have a mod of my own, even though my modding skills and available time are FAR from sufficient to run a half-decent mod myself. Still, it was something I just couldn’t get out of my head.
Then while having a chat with a friend of mine who was also in the same mod team, (and who will introduce himself here shortly - he is in the middle of moving houses) he mentioned that he was playing with exactly the same idea. We shared thoughts, he asked me to join him in his endeavor and we shook hands.When my friend has his new connection sorted and we have had a chance to chat, we will make a post about this new mod and tell you a little more about it.
Strangely enough, I have never really been very active on The Starport. Silly me, I could have learned so much more over the last year if I had. After reading as much as I could the last few days, I am truly amazed about the amount of information to be found here. And seeing some of the work posted here just blew me away.
But what amazes me even more, is the fact that all this information is shared openly, clearly with one thought in mind - to work together as one big FL community and share ideas to make this awesome game last for many more years. And what I think is great in that, is the modesty with which the more experienced members do their best to help out newby-modders with the simplest of problems. I admire this, I think Freelancer wouldn’t be able to survive for long without this very attitude. Hats off to you guys! If there is a future for Freelancer, I think I’m looking at it.As I said I still have so much to learn when it comes to modding FL. What I have practiced (and like) the most is modeling ships, texturing it, HP’ing it, write the ini entries for it and anything else needed to get it in-game without bugs. I will post some renders of my first ship shortly. But I also do graphics and some other stuff, and as you can see I am not afraid of typing walls of text lol. :oops:
Oh and I love RP!Although I am the kind of guy who prefers to analyze and find out things himself, there is no doubt lots I will need help with, and I will probably post questions about different subjects regularly. One of the first things on my list will be the specular mapping and creating that awesome dynamic lighting some of you people have posted about.
I am looking forward to share in the pool of knowledge that you guys have here. And I will definitely help out others as much as my knowledge allows me to.And don’t worry, I will make any future posts somewhat… smaller lol.
See you around.
~ Maverick. -
Walls of text and loves RP, I can’t say the two are exclusive of one another.
Welcome to the 'port!
I look forward to the renders, I always love looking at what modellers can do, given my own lack of talent in the area.
As for specmaps and the dynamic lighting, as far as I know (and I’ve been known to be wrong
) that’s all a result of the FWTOW DX9 conversion, so I dunno how easy it would be to do on vanilla FL (hell, I don’t think it’s possible at all xD).
So they keep everyone sitting with their breath held (or just me?) with the promise of releasing all the changes they’ve done to the engine to the community.
Someone more in the know could probably tell you more, I myself am rather novice in the modding world.
Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here, there’s definitely much in the way of resources for you to access, as well as people with know how where those resources don’t help so much. And as they always tell me, the best way to learn is to experiment. xD
You might like walls, but I like parenthesis’. 8
So they keep everyone sitting with their breath held (or just me?) with the promise of releasing all the changes they’ve done to the engine to the community.
Ya, dont really try to understand how we (as in Freeworlds) did specular and normal mapping because these are advanced topics that involve client hooking which isnt trivial
However, recently, there have been found some nice hacks regarding dynamic lighting without completely changing the engine - check the limit breaking and lighting threads.
I know that we let people hold their breath, but the truth is that most of our technology is still a work in progress and not optimized yet in any way. Once we release the mod, most of it should be working a lot better than it is now so you all will also get better technology to work with.
Oh and welcome to The-Starport. Glad to see the appreciation
Welcome to The Starport, and I thank you for your kind words. That we can help newbies and oldies alike mod this game to their heart’s content is what drives us, and to hear from someone who did get help and will continue to do so is the best of rewards.