Trying to fiqure out my mod dll
i have been trying to fiqure out dll files in freelancer. i edited the alaska system in the my own mod i am on and off working on.
the problem is the dll all the bases names are on. now how does freelancer read dlls ? can i edit my mod dll with out freelancer explorer ? i would like to get the bases i made up have the right names. can anybody help or do i need to explain further ? -
DLLs can be edited (IDS name and info wise) by using fled-ids or FLDev (I suggest the latter if you have a dualcore PC, it’s much better, but sadly doesn’t work on singlecores. FF I love you, you know that right? REWARD MY LOVE).
If it’s a dll that FLE generates I’m not sure if it’s the same (not having used FLE for that purpose, but I assume it is), but it’s pretty intuitive from there.
Drizzt’s shipbuilding tutorial (Available in all good quick searches) includes a quick tutorial on using fled-ids, and it’s pretty similar in FLDev, though the interface is a little more complicated. I’m pretty sure I saw a dedicated tutorial on Infocarding somewhere, but don’t quote me there.
Basically, I recommend checking out that Ship Building tut, that’s where I learnt. It’s simple enough, but if you have any specific questions someone will know the answer, if not me.
Two other things to keep in mind…
In Freelancer.ini add your new dll in the following section:
DLL = infocards.dll
DLL = misctext.dll
DLL = nameresources.dll
DLL = equipresources.dll
DLL = offerbriberesources.dll
DLL = misctextinfo2.dll
DLL = mymod.dll (or however you named it)This is how Freelancer reads it.
Also, you need to put the correct range of ids numbers in it. The range for the first new one like that is from 458752-524287. -
Obviously make sure the correct ids_name is plugged in, but if I remember correctly bases are actually named via strid_name in their universe.ini entry.
EDIT: And just to clarify, use the ids_name number in strid_name.
Uhh, I think I got it from the forge.
np, I won’t really be able to help so much with FLDev, I’ve used it a bit but I don’t have access to it on my PC.
But I’m pretty sure it’s fairly well used around here.
I’m afraid I can’t help you at all. I use notepad++ as a text editor, and use the XML generator function in FLMM to render my DLL files, for both ids_names and ids_infos for about anything except factions and nebulas / asteroid fields. Works great, but I guess it’s too far from your modus operandi to be of any practical use to you.
that program worked fantastically ok all i did was change the astrid ids to the ones the fl dev gave me and then id names. i threw the my_mod.dll away all the bases have names. yo bob thanks for the help. thanks to friendly fire do for puttting that program together. it did not work before on my other computer when i first used it. it had vista on it but it worked now when i tried it with windows 7 great.