DS Process Manager Access Denied
When I start up DSProcessManager it give the following message
12/29/2011 2:09:16 PM:Write to game log failed: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\CarlO\Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\MultiPlayer’ is denied.
I tried running it as an administrator, same.
I activated the administrator account and ran it from there. Works fine. Is this normal behavior? I’ve just never seen any program denied access to the documents folder. And this is denied access when it has elevated rights.
What version of windows do you have? If its Vista/7 is UAC turned on? Is any anti-virus program potentially blocking the file change?
Running Windows 7 Home Premium. Microsoft Security Essentials for the virus program. UAC was on. Turned it off and rebooted. Same message with UAC turned off.
This does work properly and writes to the game log, no matter where it is if logged into the administrator account. But when logged into a user account that is of the Administrator type, it fails even if the UAC is off.
carloak wrote:
Running Windows 7 Home Premium. Microsoft Security Essentials for the virus program. UAC was on. Turned it off and rebooted. Same message with UAC turned off.To wich program files folder did you install the proccesmanager?
Now i don’t know the home version of Windows 7 but i guess this one will have a program files(x86) folder to.?Did you install it to the x86 folder or the normal “program files” folder?
All what you install to the x86 folder about freelancer stuff will cause in most cases problems of not running proper. (atleast that’s my experience, don’t know how other people experiece that)
There was no installation program. Just the DSProcessManager.exe. And the source code, of course. I had copied it to my server .exe folder.
I copied it to my multiplayer folder under my documents and it works fine. Even with UAC on and without the administrator token and the logs in a subfolder of my server EXE folder.
Thanks for the suggestion. That had never even occurred to me. That the location of the program made a difference, I mean.
Thanks again.