Are they "THAT" out of place?
Ive been trying to make the faction idea of mine and I have some ships for it, as I said before. besides the fact that I dont have the program needed to convert them into .cmp files, I based them of the Marauder from Discovery. The Marauder seemed to be under-used, since not alot of people use it. From a player persective, the players like it, but others say otherwise. So I’ll post em here, theyre not all in the colorization, only 2 are, the Dragonfly LF, which is the first, and the FoeHammer SHF, which is displayed last…
Those that said otherwise said that “They dont seem to be right in the freelancer universe.” Question for that is, “What isnt’t?”. It does fit discovery, just that the models, as they are in a story setting, made by a independent ship construction company, competing against the company that made the “Bird” line of civilian ships. Their suppose to be a dark grey with brown on the rest ith little light grey/white. What do you guys think? -
I like the ships themselves, though they don’t really look like “Freelancer” ships you said that they are for a new faction in your mod? If that’s the case you must decide on a background for the faction, eg. are they an emerging Sirius faction or perhaps the faction is from somewhere else entirely. If it’s the second who can say what would be right for them, look at the nomad ships, nothing could be too wild for them, anyway it’s your mod have fun with it
Take it from me… someone who’s played with tons of Ships… and i mean TONS… lol (i have a problem lol)
Do what YOU want to do!
After so many years… serioulsy… who really gives a rats about “what isn’t freelancer”… if you want stock Freelancer ships well… dont add any (lmao)… there’s already an overflow of Freelancer type models avalible anyway… Bane, Sizer… just to name a few of our better (fit’s straight in… no need to even think who may get that ship) modelers… then there’s other fine works like Sols ships… wich are slowly becoming the new Norm for alot of us old timers (omg… yep… i suppose i am now)
My point being… Make that mesh for you… how you want it, if YOU feel it isn’t Freelancer enough well that’s sweet but if some random on a forum tells you… trust me… Ignore that, go with your gut.
Oh and… hehe (i did say i have a problem)… when your done with that dark red one… can i maybe give it a go at making a retexture’d version?? thats a nice mesh, dam nice
Well, I can give you both the .wings and a .obj file through Email or just one or the other. Since I dont have 3D Max or anything high end, I have limited options. Unless I getthe stuff or work with someone to make a new freelancer mod, im in the hole. If you want, you can do what ever with it, Disco obviously wants it, but the “Old Timers” of disco seem not to like change.
.obj is perfect
just send a link to my PM box here, easiest way really
if your having problems with your modeling pipeline (getting a ship from mesh to game) i may be able to help a bit.
Don’t be discouraged, there’s plenty of great mods being made outside of Disco.
Problem is many of us are too busy in our mods making things and not much shouting about what were making… if that makes sense lol
Speaking as someone who as posted in your threads on Disco and has been around Disco long enough to understand how the place works, I can tell you the problem you’re running into in regards to the Disco community.
You’re trying to fill a hole that isn’t there with your faction. It’s taken years for the current non-freelancer lore factions to be integrated into Disco, and even those were done in a time where the devs were a little more lenient in what they let through.
If your models were top-notch amazing you’d have a better chance, but even then it’s still pretty slim. You’d be better off modelling replacements for existing ships.
To Xarian_Prim: I don’t quite understand “Link”, you mean like what I did with the Topic Message about the ship they were based on? Cause I dont have any Online File Storage accounts.
To Bobthemanofsteel: I reliesed that. Echo 7-7 is the one that mainly grinds my gears. He always making out to be that what he says is law and everyone else is in the wrong. Everyone else though, even though saying something similar, arent as a “Jackass” as Echo 7-7 is. I have other Concepts, but they laughed at it cause I was using Lego Digital Designer. I used it and got some concepts that would look good. Heres what I mean.
in order from LF to Batteship:
Light Fighter(Back view)
Heavy Fighter
Very Heavy Fighter
Transport(Back view)
War-frigate(Battleship) had given images of the first 3 to Swat Dev Team, dont know the status of whether its made or not. These ships were for another faction concept, SkyShield PMC. Course, same thing happened with SSC. I do plan on doing these in Wings 3D. Maybe I should be posting this stuff on my ModDB page, perview of what the models would look like.