Team Speak 3
I would like to put my hand out to the admins of the starport, and would like to welcome them to share the starworlds ts3 server with usI have created a section for you if you would like to use it and i will happily give you all the admin rights you want and need, as well as a section passworded for you to get together to talk about the site ect.
If you would like to take us up on this offer then it would be great and i would look forward to working more closely with the starport in the future
if not then no worrys the offer is there anyway
Oh no dont want your kind
Lol of course you are very much welcome, i was just offering my piece to the admins first so i do not seem in anyway rude
Any channels your more then welcome to setup and if they get approved ill keep them on there, We are also offering space to any clan no matter what server they are on and any server full stop who would like a space to talk to peopleβ¦
I have 50 spaces and can bump up to alot more if needed, its already paid for a year in advanced as is everything i do
so feel free to use as you want, if you would like to put in to get space on there for your server or clan then just message on here or on my site
Gisteron wrote:
Sorry for that awkward question but what about ordinary Starport members? Are we not invited or not welcome?+1 with a diabolic smile on my face