[Freelancer Server News]ALL GERMAN Freelancer-Mod ONLINE
Deutscher Entwickler mit deutscher Mod… also sag ichs mal auf Deutsch.
Schicke Mod… ich bin ja auch immer wieder begeistert wenn sich neue Modder an so ein Projekt wagen.
Was mich allerdings ein wenig irritiert ist wieso sich in dieser Mod Dateien aus meiner eigenen Mod befinden. Der ganze Surface-kram, Docking-ring, Coalition Cityscape, Warpgate, Coalbase (um jetzt nur ein paar Beispiele zu nennen) und nicht zu vergessen die CFstations im Übrigen sogar noch so heißen.
Aufgrund der in den Dateien befindlichen Signaturen und der zum Teil nun doch schon nicht mehr ganz so aktuellen Texturen würde ich sagen dass es entweder aus Crossfire 1.82 oder sogar aus Crossfire 1.7 stammt (das könnte man sicherlich noch nachprüfen).Tja, jetzt frag ich mich schon wie all’ diese Dateien ohne meine explizite Erlaubnis den Weg in deine Mod gefunden haben.
Es is nämlich so: meine Mod ist kein Selbstbedienladen!
Mit anderen Worten -> Wenn man etwas von mir möchte dann hat man mich gefälligst VORHER zu fragen und auch entsprechend den Ursprung in den CREDITS zu vermerken.
(die Tatsache dass mein Name in 5-6 anderen Mods und Shippacks auftaucht belegt im Übrigen dass sowas durchaus möglich ist)Ich gehe mal davon aus du würdest es auch nicht wollen wenn man deine Arbeit einfach kopiert und ohne dein Wissen neu veröffentlicht.
Nachdem ich es aus Bequemlichkeit versäumt habe den Ursprung einiger Elemente des ENIGMA-Mods explizit zu würdigen, möchte ich mich in aller Form dafür entschuldigen !
The main goal was to build a almost Vanilla game-atmosphere with lots of events and some “MMORPG-Features”.
Not to overload the mod with ships. weapons and systems but to have all the benefits of some existing good mods via FlHook and other plugins.
The hardest work for me was to make some ideas for features like the SPECIAL-EVENTS come true and working.
To violate any “Copyrights” and to “miss” an appro. Credits-Section in my Mod was NEVER my intension and so here are “some” CREDITS: *UNKNOWN AUTHORS ARE MARKED WITH –-> (uk)Some Bases and other Solars are stolen from the Crossfire-Mod by SWAT_OP-R8R (I´M SERIOUSLY SORRY MATE ! IT WAS NOT MY INTESION TO DO ANY HARM !)
Some Ships are stolen from Gibbon
Some Ships are stolen from Kuze
Some Ships are stolen from Freeworlds-Mod
Some Commodity-Icons are stolen from Battlestar-Galactica-MOD and OTHERS.
FLHook completely stolen from ALL THE EXCELENT DEVELOPERS at THE-STARPORT.NET and ELSEWHERE (originally I used the 88 FLAK-Version 1.67 AND I WAS THE BAD BOY WHO HEX-EDITED IT !)
CLOAK.DLL stolen from WODKA (i guess)
RANDOMJUMPS (hex-hacked and altered by me to have a RANDOMJUMP2.DLL due to compatibility-issues with Enigma Version 4.41, AMMOLIMIT, EQUIPDRAG, HUDSHIFT, JFLP, NONAVMAP, JUMPOUTPT, CHKLOOTVOL, CHATLOG (also Hex-hacked), CRITICALHIT, MOORS, MPREP, NUMERIC, PersistentDestructibles, SHIPRANGE and TURRETZOOM are stolen from ADOXA.
ALLMOST ALL HEX-HACKS are stolen from numereous authors at DEVS LIMITBREAKING 101 List and the Forum avail. at THE-STARPORT.NET.Used Tools/Programs and other stuff:
UTF-EDITOR(uk), CMP-EDITOR(uk), FLModellTool(uk), FLED-IDS by “D”, BINI.EXE(uk), FLSCAN V1.2(uk), FL-MODMANAGER V 1.3 by Matthew Lieder
FREELANCER EXPLORERV2 by Shsan, HEXEXPLORER by Marcin Dudek, FL-SURBUILDER(uk), FL-SDK 1.3(uk), flconfigdatabase.txt(uk).A big Thank you to ALL OF YOU especially to JASON HOOD/ADOXA and the-Starport.net !
Furthermore thx to:
MICROSOFT for NOTEPAD.EXE, WINDOWS XP, SERVICEPACK2, FREELANCER Patch 1.1 and other stuff, ENBW for the Elecricity to enable me running my PC, and “something” wich some might call “God” for giving me the hope that everything will be fine some day soon.
BTW Folks… LEARNING-BY-DOING/TRIAL-AND-ERROR TIMES, HUNDRETS OF SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, SEVERAL-THOUSANDS of hours to manage this projekt COMPLETELY ALONE with the intension to serve YOU some fun while playing ENIGMA --> STOLEN FROM ME !
I can´t tell u how glad I am to have the Mod finished 3 days ago !!! -
Ich glaube das gibt dem Begriff “Melodramatik” eine ganz neue Bedeutung.
Schau… es gibt ne ganze Menge Content den man ohne Probleme “free” benutzen kann. Zahlreiche Tools, Schiffe, Texturen usw.
Aber bei allem was in anderen Mods veröffentlich wird benötigt man einfach vorher die Erlaubnis. Und selbst dann sollte man die Credits auflisten. Das ist einfach üblich so und erspart eine menge Ärger.Sicherlich hattest du keine schlechten Absichten. Du hast einen Fehler begangen weil du unbedingt deine Mod fertigstellen wolltest und nicht darüber nachgedacht hast dass auch andere Modder viel Zeit und Arbeit in ihre Projekte stecken. Du wärst da auch nicht der Erste dem das passiert.
Einen Fehler einzusehen ist der erste Schritt… das Problem zu lösen wäre der Zweite… und es beim nächsten Mal besser zu machen… naja… das liegt an dir.
Da war ja gar nichts von Dir.
Und jetzt in das Kind in den Brunnen gefallen.
Man sollte sich vorher überlegen was man macht.
Sehe das so wie die anderen beiden Vorredner, geht gar nicht. -
Wirklich ein sehr schöner Beitrag…
Und so effektiv !Noch jemand ohne ?
Wäre nur schön es würden sich manche mal die Mühe machen und wenigstens auf den Server schauen bevor sie ihren Komentar dazu ablassen.
Schwamm drüber…
Download deleted… Server password protected… and will no longer be offical… used only for private “LAN”Cheers J.R.
Und dann noch beleidigt sein. Hammerhart.
Kannst froh sein das das nicht geschützt war,
dann hättest du richtig einen auf den Sack bekommen.
Vielleicht auch besser so. -
NovaII wrote:
You’re wrong, OP.Thx Novall for ur nice post… ´cos this is truly sad…but it was MY fault and he (SWAT_OP) is totally right !!! But the one thing that really p… me off is that some very “smart” people here think they are asked to state their opinion regardless of been involved in this case. They didn´t even connect to the server to watch the project… they´re just happy to pick up a problem between me and other modders to flame and moan.
To make things clear:
I appologized for what i´ve done and asked furthermore for a “proper” way to make things ok… but some seem to need this forum to give their brainfarts to the public.Sorry but I dont need that.
Would be great to receive a PM from u and we´ll find a way throu this without the others… just if U want to.
Greetings J.R.P.S.: Just found some posts with the same “problem” (namely Reboot-Mod and Discovery) and I see how u want things to be fixed.
So I decided to just drop the topic here.
The Enigma-Mod will STAY unavailable to the day I´ll remove every content I ripped out of yours and other mods.J.R. out…
Ok ok I can assume that I wrote too angry post. Something unique is great and such intentions might be justified. But anyway all of our projects here are non-commercial, and I sure all of you must help each other to be better. Thats why he’s wrong. But yes, some discussions and permissions should exist. This is not a theft at all, this is just an impoliteness - must be said. I hope you two will find harmony in this problem and nobody will lose something.
NovaII, and now I will show you where you are wrong.
Every intellectual property is copyrighted by law, every ship we model is, every graphic we create is and so are many other pieces which find the way into our mods.We are the ones spending thousands of hours each year to create something new and improve what we already have. We do that for the players on our server. We invested all the time and work for the server we pay for and the communities we run for meanwhile more than one decade.
We did not spend years of hard work just so somebody can come by and simply rip stuff out of our mod in just a few hours just to present it as their own work. Period!
Its not just respectless, it violates the rights of the original creators and it damages the FL modding community.Furthermore you should keep in mind that not everything was created for the Freelancer community.
Infact I have enough content in my mod (created by people that don’t even play FL) that i am only allowed to use because I have the permission of the original authors where I am bound to (license) agreements. And in some cases some content was even bought by me (yep real money -> was worth it).You hardly can tell me that you have any right to take something from our projects just because you want… even if it is copyrighted, bound to license agreements or even a commercial product which found its way into our mod.
We had enough modders in the past years which thought that they have every right to take from others just because they know how to copy/paste.
I dont see them in the FL community anymore, their mods were banned on moddb and on every major FL Community site… even their servers were closed.This clearly is not the first time that we discussed such a topic and maybe it is noticeable that I show a good amount of patience this time.
I dont think that J.R. wanted to cause any harm and i personally dont want him to give up his modding project.However, if not released for public modding use then you need the permission of the mod creator if you want to use parts of a mod.
You either get a yes or a no as reply. Thats how it works. -
Laws are not always right. They’re sutuative, adjustable for economical and political situations, and often made for governments’s self-defence. They cannot know and rule such things as people relations, and cannot even know the objective truth.
But yes, you own what you’ve made, and nobody is against it as I see.
I know that feel, I have my own project, btw. But i’d be pretty glad to share what I have after idea will be materialized and mod released. And I’m always free for exchange in sincere intentions.
Realize that “steal” thing means physical grabbing of an original source which exists in a single copy. Did he steal your HDD with sources so you don’t own them? Nop. So, please, be kind and positive, ask him for adding a notes to readme, something else which will refer to your origins. He never said that your ships are his ones, and ever didn’t tried to sell them as his own, never had an intention to harm something or someone.
Yes, of course stupid copypasting cannot even become a good mod, and time shows this. But that’s not about copypasting, it’s about people who make such trash and get a logical result.
I argee with most, just bring peace, bro, and don’t feed your ego.
I hope you’d have a deal. Good luck both.