How to determine the FL ID-Code ?
I want to write a maintain Application, that reads the .INI files.
In this .INI’s i found the FL-ID Code but not the assigned Name to this Object. Does anybody knows a function th determine the Objectname to the given FL-ID Code ?Thx
Cougan -
You’re going to have to define “FL-ID Code” and “Objectname” and “Name” because your terminology is all over the place. Put some code up and point at the stuff if need be.
Hi FriendlyFire,
thx for your answer, but you not understand my problem. Sry, its on me. My explanation was not completly.
My program design, need to get the FLS-ID code via a method or similar function, to get the name of the FL Object.
Currently in call the Program FL-ID Scanner, and type in the FLS-ID Code manually. After press the button, the Objectname was deliverd by this program.
My Question is: to get the Object Name in the new program, directly from the .DLL like this program.One possibility is, to read this binary .DLL file in a data buffer.
But in this way, i need the offset where placed all object’sThe better way is to use a DLL method like FL-ID Scanner.exe
But here i need the Method name, all parameters and parameter types.g.e.
internal_var_FL_Object_Name type string.internal_var_FL_Object_Name = xxxxx_dll_object->get_object_name_by_fls_id_code( Knowing_FL_ID_Code)
So what you’re looking for is a way to obtain the display name (infocard and name) from the ids_name/ids_info code.
This is a standardized procedure using the COM API for localization. It’s not very straightforward though. Here’s how DSAM does it: Functions/FLGameData.csLook at the GetIDString method. There might also be other programs with source available which do this, you should probably look around.