WIP: FLHook Python Plugin
FLHook Plugin Version
Something I’ve been working on for a while now when I find the time, a python plugin for use with FLHook 2.0 (svn version). Basically it sends hook event callbacks to python, and allows python to run various FLHook functions.
Most (but not all) event callbacks are supported, passing along all arguments (structs are converted to python ‘collections.namedtuple’ objects). Everything is done using python’s C API, so theres no need for any 3d party libraries like swig or boost. (python source code is required to compile though)Its far from perfect yet but does work as intended, and you’ll have to excuse any inproper cpp style, its not really my area.
8 Feb 2017, 21:31
8 Feb 2017, 21:31