Dockable Osiris Not Working (Solved)
I searched for some help on this and got half an answer in another thread which fixed some issues, but I still need some help with this.
I’m trying to set up a dockable post-game Osiris. Originally it wasn’t even appearing in the version of Omicron Minor I set up, but I managed to find a forum thread here that explained how to fix that (I created a separate loadout entry for the post-game Osiris that copied the regular entry minus the cloaking device).
Now, though, when I try to dock, it does the docking sequence (slow with a dramatic fade, because it’s a “unique to the campaign” ship), but once it fades to black… nothing. It doesn’t cut to the ship interior and stays on that black screen.
I can tell it’s stuck at the end of the dock sequence because when I pause the game I can see past the black and the exterior the Osiris is still visible, and my first thought is that it’s looking for a mission specific scene trigger, but i’m stumped beyond that.
I can provide any entries or alterations i’ve made if need be.
How do you mean? The ‘Base =’ and ‘Dock_With =’ lines are filled in and the correct files are in the right directories for the game to find them. Or is it something about the Osiris specifically rather than the base files because it usually moves about systems and acts a lot like an actual ship and note a battleship base?
Jeider wrote:
Every Osiris in SP is the unique base.Different Osiris for different locations.
Black screen appears only after bugs with bases. So, you did mistake somewhere. Can you show your changes? Changed files, definition of [Object] for your Osiris, etc.
Was semi-aware there’s multiple Osiris for each system. Was more considering that they might be linked together in a way that was causing an issue here.
And i’ve encountered a blackout in a base I was making before, but in that case I had (a glitched version of) the deck interface, when in this case it’s not even shifting to that scene, staying in space, technically.
The object entry in the system ini file (the ‘eu-’ is just part of the system internal nickname that i’m using to denote systems I added for this particular mod, in this case altered copy versions of the story systems):
nickname = eu-St01_02
ids_name = 197409
pos = 5500, 0, -1191
rotate = 0, -50, 0
archetype = o_osiris
ids_info = 66227
base = eu-St01_02_Base
dock_with = eu-St01_02_Base
visit = 0
voice = atc_leg_m01
space_costume = sh_male2_head, pi_orillion_body
reputation = fc_or_grp
;Note to self: Work out why base rep’s unaligned in-game & why name isn’t showing outside of navlist.
behavior = NOTHING
difficulty_level = 17
loadout = or_osiris_eu-postgame
pilot = pilot_solar_hardestThe altered duplicate loadouts_special ini entry (the ‘eu-’ was originally after the ‘postgame’ in the nickname, and I originally thought that might be the issue when I spotted it while writing this reply up, but it made no difference correcting it):
nickname = or_osiris_eu-postgame
archetype = or_osiris
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_lb_engine_01
equip = sfx_rumble_battleship
;equip = cloak_osiris, HpCloak01
equip = li_battleship_turret01, HpTurret_O1_01
equip = li_battleship_turret02, HpTurret_O2_01
equip = li_battleship_turret03, HpTurret_O3_01
equip = li_battleship_turret03, HpTurret_O3_02
equip = li_battleship_turret04, HpTurret_O4_01
equip = li_battleship_turret04, HpTurret_O4_02
equip = li_battleship_turret04, HpTurret_O4_03
equip = li_battleship_turret04, HpTurret_O4_04I was also going to share my file directories for the system, but I couldn’t think of any way to easily present that. As it is, let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see.
Just to let you know, I worked out the cause, and it was me being an idiot. I forgot to put a new base entry in the universe.ini. I have a whole bunch of new problems on the base itself now, but I can actually land.
That said, I don’t think I would have realized had I not been talking it over here, so thanks.
Livsi wrote:
eu-St01_02_Base should also be added to mbases.ini and added the ini files of rooms to the system folder (similar to other databases)I already had it in mbases.ini. The issue, in the end, was it not being in universe.ini, which I overlooked for some reason.