Darklint - linter and formatter with denormalizing through comments
Github - Contacts - Example of usage in Github CI
The tool offers
- Parses all game configs, and runs its sets of validation.
- By default package of validations to ensure this Freelancer folder game data is compatible with Darkstat
- list is expandable further.
- Darklint is able to format configs to more uniform way
- like having all specified parameters bringing to lower case.
- Or writing all sections [Section] in same way
- or it can round all floating numbers to exact same format.
- it uses ORM library fl-configs able to map all data for reading and writing back using Data structs to do that
so it is functionality easy to expand further. See formmater package for expanding.
- Additionally it is capable to supply human readable comments to config objects/sections for easier navigating ini configs
module is responsible for this- for example all [Base] entities in universe.ini file receive comment what is their infocard name right in a config file
- Parses all game configs, and runs its sets of validation.