I Require a Good Texturer for Three Similar Ships
Yeah, this should be a piece of cake, but I want these done right and I don’t think I can do that. Basically, I have four ships (fighter, heavy fighter, very heavy fighter, and freighter) that have new textures. Fortunatly, the freighter (I think PantherX’s design) had it’s texture layout such that I only had to make minor corrections. It would serve as an example for the other three ships, which are all based on the same design with only a few tweaks. I’m not sure how long texturing takes, but if I had to guess, I’d say this would take a day or two at most for all three ships. I want them to look good, though. I’ll give out more details as requested.
edit Hmm, perhaps a bit more information is in order.
The mod’s storyline is http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4302407/1/Freelancer_Two_Revolution, and the ships themselves are for House Hispania. As previously stated, the textures are made, I just need sombody to apply them to them model to make them look nice.