Liberty Gunboat
We had exactly the same ship in the Shrouded Worlds mod last autumn. Just check our old mod and you will find it.
Deadbolt was the ship creator / donator. I hope this isnt the same one… it does look incredibly similar. Give credit where it’s due guys, if it is the same model you have used.
I also had my doubs chili, alltough i checked it out, and there is a difference. The difference is that the one of Deadbolt had a logo on the front, this one doesnt have one on the front
This is Why485’s original work. The model uses the Cruiser as a base (the main body is unchanged except for the tail section), and a Dreadnought-styled head - however, I’m not sure if he hacked the head from the Dreadnought model or made it himself. If you’ll look, you’ll see progress between the first batch of pictures and the second, where he added a blue tip to the bow and some windows on the side.
I believe this is the topic that inspired Why485 to do this: - his first attempt was a bizzare carrier ship, and this is what came of it after. The Liberty Gunboat concept sketch shown further down in the topic was a sloppy copy-paste of wireframe CMPs in MSPaint.For those wondering, this model isn’t back in Freelancer yet - what Why posted are Lightwave renders. I don’t think he’s finished with it, so suggestions are welcome.
Most of the Liberty Gunboats use the cruiser as a base. I know there is a couple of different ones floating around. This is the one I have.
This is Why485’s original work. The model uses the Cruiser as a base (the main body is unchanged except for the tail section), and a Dreadnought-styled head - however, I’m not sure if he hacked the head from the Dreadnought model or made it himself. If you’ll look, you’ll see progress between the first batch of pictures and the second, where he added a blue tip to the bow and some windows on the side.
I believe this is the topic that inspired Why485 to do this: - his first attempt was a bizzare carrier ship, and this is what came of it after. The Liberty Gunboat concept sketch shown further down in the topic was a sloppy copy-paste of wireframe CMPs in MSPaint.For those wondering, this model isn’t back in Freelancer yet - what Why posted are Lightwave renders. I don’t think he’s finished with it, so suggestions are welcome.
Aww fox, you really do love me. I was completely unaware of these accusations, I actually completely forgot I posted here
The model is entirely mine. Well, except for it being hacked apart bits of Digital Anvil’s models, so I suppose its super technically their model. Other than that, I exported the files to milkshape, I imported them into Lightwave (which was a hassle), and I cut and paste (with some severe modification to the geometry) this model entirely on my own.
Either way I was completely unaware of any other Liberty Gunboat models. I just saw fox’s mspaint sketch and was suddenly struck by the desire to do it. I am actually curious to see how other people did their Gunboats. For anyone who is wondering how I made this. First thing was getting rid of the gun. In it’s place is a heavily modified (geometry wise, it looks more or less the same when actually rendered) front portion of the Dreadnought axe-fin-thing. I then on a whim decided to shorten the back end of the ship, because I didn’t want the Gunboat to be the same size as the Cruiser. I then thought the gigantic logo on the axe-fin looked ridiculous, especially with how small the cruiser is relative to the logo. So I got rid of that. In its place was a very barren axe-fin-thing. I raised up the funny shaped armor plate looking thing, put a couple windows, added the blue tip from the Dreadnought (fox’s suggestion), added some awesome space intakes, and one of those platform thingies that the guns are mounted on everywhere else on the ship.
Well that’s such a damn close match to deadbolts model I don’t think i could be blamed for suspecting it. Well done on making it almost identical …
After looking a little closer I can see it is missing the logo DB put onto his one, but the principe was exactly the same… ;D
Actually the front of mine is from a Ranger Gunship(SW) (I liked the front of it).