Hi all,
Since the discontinuation of Freelancer: Combat Evolved (Halo TC that’s lasted four plus years FYI) a short while ago, I’m looking for a new MP mod to take it’s place, and I’ve run up against my stalwart-sticking-with-a-single-mod syndrome and I haven’t really got a clue what MP mods are still out and about, and what’s worth trying.
I’ve had a quick gander at the mod advertising board here and it seems that only Freeworlds and Flak '88 are really kicking, unless I’ve missed some, and no offense to the UnderVerse team but Riddick just isn’t my thing.
So please, tell me what I’m missing by not playing ToW or Flak, or any other MP mod.
Also, if it matters at all (IE: if any of my skills would be useful to a MP mod) I can also create ALE files (I’m a little rusty), code general .ini files and I’m a good writer for infocards/backstory/short stories etc. to boot. As is obvious, PM me if samples are required.
Many thanks,
(Former Fleet Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral of the United Nations Space Command Defence Force Navy)