Good to hear! For Freelancer HDE I encountered a similar issue where my upscaled mission and news images looked bad in-game because they were saved as 24-bit TGA. At the time I worked around it by saving them as 32-bit TGA or dds instead. Now we finally have a proper solution.

Some hacks which I posted in the HDE Discord and private chats but as far as I know aren’t used anywhere else:
rp8.dll, 6AD9, 0i = display adapter index, i.e. the monitor Freelancer will run on (0 = main adapter/monitor). ~BC46 02/03/2024 13:44
content.dll, CCFAD, C2 -> C1 = Ignore gate locks (prevent access denied). ~BC46 08/08/2024 22:05
content.dll, 1195C0, 0.2f = Reputation needed for factions to offer missions on the job board. The player's reputation must be greater than or equal to the given value in order for the missions to show up. ~BC46 22/09/2024 14:47 content.dll, 1195BC, -0.2f = Second minimum reputation needed for factions to show missions on the job board. This value is only tested if the minimum specified at 1195C0 is not met. The player's reputation must be greater than the given value in order for the missions to show up. ~BC46 22/09/2024 14:47 content.dll, 60D0F, 74 -> EB = Faction NPCs will offer missions regardless of the player's reputation. ~BC46 22/09/2024 14:47
shading.dll, F94B, 0C -> 00 = Fix color banding with 24-bit TGA textures (render them as 32-bit). ~BC46 13/01/2025 12:03
@BC46 said in Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques:
Show all group members on the nav map:
Freelancer.exe, 08DC07, E9 85 FD FF FF 90 90 90 -> 83 C5 18 E9 82 FD FF FF
When I came up with this patch, there was one thing I overlooked. If you had one or more group members that were docked at a base, the original problem would still partially occur.If anyone has applied this patch already, please undo it and apply these instead:
Freelancer.exe, 08D89B, 90 90 90 90 90 -> 83 C5 18 EB 50 Freelancer.exe, 08D997, 55 -> 00
Now it should work as intended.
Sorry about that, I should’ve told you sooner. @Skotty asked me a while ago if it was possible to display more than one group member, which I guess was around the same time when you started investigating it. However, due to my busy schedule I couldn’t have a proper look at it myself until last Thursday.
Show all group members on the nav map:
Freelancer.exe, 08DC07, E9 85 FD FF FF 90 90 90 -> 83 C5 18 E9 82 FD FF FF
Show all bases on the Nav Map by setting
visit = 1
for everybase
entry:common.dll, D6700, 21 -> 47 common.dll, D6748, 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 -> B0 01 E9 0C FF FF FF
Show all bases on the Nav Map by setting
visit = 1
for everydock_with
entry:common.dll, D65DD, E9 40 01 00 00 -> B0 01 EB 7A 90
Optionally, also show bases which explicitly have
visit = 0
set (provided either one or both of the above patches have been applied):common.dll, D665B, 88 -> 08
Did you try this?
dalib.dll FF->00 004BF4 = Prevents Freelancer from running in the background after exiting the game in some cases. ~BC46
You can download NSU 4.68 here:
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Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
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