DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. tex
DLL = your _stuff.dll ; deine dll
HAST DU DIE DLL IN DER FL.ini eingetragen ?
sorry for your loss.:( Did he played on the BSG DOW Server ?
i take a look from time to time here
also on chris board
lol , Iam from Agrigento , Sicily :wink
try adoxas ammolimit.dll
yes we had it running with flakhook too
check the base rooms
i think its an room error ,make sure u have on your bases all roomentries , u can try flerrorchecker from LS it will show u wich rooms it are.
its an standalone hook based on LC.hook 1.5.6
just dacom.ini is enough
open the flhook.ini and u will find this :
.crc Driver.dll 2d112092
.crc freelancer.exe b464baf7
.crc …\data\characters\newcharacter.ini e10864c6
.crc …\data\constants.ini 93898269
.crc …\data\equipment\engine_equip.ini 4a61efbb
.crc …\data\equipment\misc_equip.ini 142a92f7
.crc …\data\equipment\select_equip.ini c92748f2
.crc …\data\equipment\st_equip.ini 76f354c3
.crc …\data\equipment\weapon_equip.ini 1175a718
.crc …\data\ships\loadouts.ini 3005c443
.crc …\data\ships\loadouts_special.ini 192bfae1
.crc …\data\ships\shiparch.ini 8078018
.crc …\data\solar\asteroidarch.ini 39565151
.crc …\data\solar\loadouts.ini ac823d0c
.crc …\data\solar\solararch.ini 34b89919now u add the files u wanna check for example :
.crc …\data\camera.ini to avoid the fisheye hack and put after the that entrie the CRC hash for example 125gf454
you can easily give for the first time fanasie crcs and join server then the AC will show u Hashes of your files -_-
dont forget to change ths : Prison=li01_01_base
here u can destinate were a player will get beamed if the crc check failed .
for checking backround running cheats like speedgear or memory hacks like cheat engine just add thoose proggies here :
gearthats it is .
cant it be banned from the global list?
Hi , Gisteron welcome
few fl mod have it in , flak88 for example , hhc mod and few few more.
try to close your sidebar
this defeated 100 % of fisheye and cheater on our server .
a list of cheat programs in the private section would be useful so it can be added in the flhook.ini -
update your driver for the Intel onBoard Grafiks
yes i know how it works , but now i used all navmap symbols wich was not used in our mod , i need more tzats why iam askin ^^
anyway to create new navmap symbols and not use the old ? i tryed to import then with milkshape as they are 3db files but no suces. i know how to modify the current symbols and add an alphachannel .
Neue Resourcen DLL für die Strings
Neue Resourcen DLL für die Strings
Rest In Peace
Battlestar Galactica Mod gone
A general apology for everyone here at TSP
Buying Ammo
FTL for FLHook plugin
FLSpew (FLSpit) ERROR: Location 2543441030 is invalid
Arch error
Best anticheat?
Best anticheat?
Best anticheat?
Gotta Hate Mod Theives
Greetings from G.E.
Help! GTX285 anyone?
Freelancer Freeze on Windows 7 64 bits :S
AntiCheat + Hook ready to use
Windows vista graphics error
Creating own Navmap symbols
Creating own Navmap symbols