I’m a software science student from the technical university of Eindhoven (TU/e) and long time player of Freelancer. I was planning clean-room reverse engineering of parts of Freelancer, at least the FLServer.exe. This is perfectly legal by European Law.
From what I observed the Freelancer Server is only available for Windows, while most servers (I work with) run Linux. Wine is no solution since servers are expected to run stable 24/7.
Re-making the server is a relative smart effort compared to the rest of the game, which is my ultimate goal. If you look at the massive efforts which have been made by the Discovery team the only thing that is holding them back is the dated game engine it self.
StarCitizen looks promising but I don’t think it will be able to capture the charm of the original Freelancer. For example, look at Discovery 24/7. The quality of role playing there is impossible to capture with a large commercial game and the audience that comes with it.
The first step would be documenting general functionality of the FLServer. I’m currently looking for people who have the following skillset:
- Well known with the concept of Object Oriented programming and experienced with at least one of such programming language (Java/C++ preferred).
- Experience with x86 assembly, debuggers and disassemblers alike.
- Capable of writing clear formal English documentation, needed to exlude any element of obliquity.