You put me off when after clicking that I was born after such and such a date, i still have to sign/send back an email.
Which ones would you suggest…I want a mod that has an active online base like Discovery, but not discovery, since I’ve been playing it for ages now.
Ta very much
Where can I find one, the one that google bring up (links to here)…the file cant be found.
heh, your like my personal advisor…thanks, again.
As I said, i want to remove the house tags and/or replace them with new ones, i know renaming them is possible…but moving them?
i will eventually…but for now, it’s easier just to hide them, for me at least.
The title says it all really…can i replace the background
What have I done to deny myself access to everywhere?
I’ve fully deleted the “locked gates” section of restart.ini and added the “m13.ini” (completed) to my script…but all gates are locked.
I moved Li01 to position 70,80…and ti went into the bottom right of the navmap…then i did 700,800 and it did the same…It wont leave the nav map altogether.
If i set the visit parameter to “visit = 128” the “star” vanishes…but my player icon is still there…i guess that will have to do.
Thanks for you help. For the second time…
I want to delete every system apart from New York, but when I do…freelancer doesnt like it. what exactly do i have to do to wipe the universe? (this is for a mod…not vanilla game)
EDIT: ive gotten rid of everything other than Li01 and FP7_system…is there a way to make Li01 invisible o nthe nav map?
That means nothing to me, I just confused myself trying to understand it.
EDIT: Im not being rude, that really did just confue the hell out of me XD
99999i in freelancer.exe
what is the “i”……plus, i cant find the value “99999” anywhere in the simple value editor
Yeah, thats pretty much waht I had, except I added the infocards to my DLL instead of in the script.
Thanks for doing that, to let me confirm. -
Nevermind, I answered my own question. Thanks
I’m not very good with scripts…would it be the same format as the Mod script?
What i want to do is simply Make a new thruster, but I want to make a new “st_equip.ini” file, containing only my new things, not all the original stuff also. But when I activate, i still want to buy the old items aswel. in affect, im simply updating the original file, not replacing it…How would I do that? or do files in the mod replace the original By default?
EDIT: would adding all the new infocards to my dll and simply makign the thruster in the script be easier?
Thanks. I’ll start working in it now.
1: can i make it dockable?
2: oh well, i can live in hope. -
1: ive changed the archtype of my rings to “Trade_Lane_Ring_Construct_B”…but i cant seem to dock to them, is that normal?
2: I want to make a tradelane that is unstable…by that i mean one that dies every now and again at different points…is that possible?
I want to play a new mod
I want to play a new mod
HUD editing guide?
HUD editing guide?
I want to remove/replace "house" tags..
I want to remove/replace "house" tags..
I want to delete every….
Can I replace the Nav Map backround?
Docking "Access Denied"
I want to delete every….
I want to delete every….
What type of value is this?
What type of value is this?
How would I do this..
How would I do this..
How would I do this..
How would I do this..
Two tradelane questions…
Two tradelane questions…
Two tradelane questions…