How would I do this..
Speciality Modding
What i want to do is simply Make a new thruster, but I want to make a new “st_equip.ini” file, containing only my new things, not all the original stuff also. But when I activate, i still want to buy the old items aswel. in affect, im simply updating the original file, not replacing it…How would I do that? or do files in the mod replace the original By default?
EDIT: would adding all the new infocards to my dll and simply makign the thruster in the script be easier?
I’m not very good with scripts…would it be the same format as the Mod script?
Nevermind, I answered my own question. Thanks
Yeah, thats pretty much waht I had, except I added the infocards to my DLL instead of in the script.
Thanks for doing that, to let me confirm.