Sorry people, I gave you the wrong address for FLSirius the real address is This
I don’t know why
but my server went off the global server replacement, does it only work on there if it’s the same ip all the time? My dial-up keeps changing the ip and still don’t really know how to make the static ip.
OK, I got my server on global server replacement mod. it’s called Donnie’s Modding Server
I did this because they’re free, and they are linked, both forums have a link to the other, Freeport has a wide verity, The Starport, Top Freelancers, Universal Modding, Void Server, ect. Hope to see you on them.
I want to know how to change my mod’s folder into a FLMM compatable, my friend told me to change it to
but I don’t know how to do this.
Soory ppl, I got the URL wrong it’s
This is Donnie, will anyone join my at Freeport? I got seats open in my staff and I want people to come there. I do hope to see a lot of you there ;)!
Freeport launched
The Forum for advirtisements for mods and servers, and chat about Freelancer or anything else.I just launched a forum for advirtisments for mods and servers, and of course chatting about Freelancer or anything else. Please come visit the Freeport at, plz join me there and advirtise or chat about Freelancer or anything else!
My forum is Come on in and advirtise your mod or server and much more. ;D
what do ya mean??
have the same rep with 2 factions?What I mean is that I want to change, for example, Liberty Navy and the GMG , to turn them enemies.
And im also working with my co-admin, he’s in charge of creating the custom factions for it, more will be posted later
thanks for the info FriendlyFire
Is it possible to change a NPC faction’s rep with other NPC’s?
Thanks, FriendlyFire, I just needed to know how so when I finish my mod, I can uploaded it here, i’ll post here if I need more help.
I don’t know where I can post advirtisments for mods, I decided here in the Miscellaneous Forum. Here it goes.
Do you like custom systems that easily work on unmodded servers and modded alike, if you use this for your server, make sure you distribute it to everyone and place it on you forum, because I have a theory it might crash players without the mod. This mod is not finished, but it will have 11 new systems and 39 new bases, plus a few extras. I’ll post it here when finished.
I try to put my mod on here but I can’t seem to get it, nowhere on the browser says mods folder, is there another way to do this? ???
as far as i know, the wrecks in sigma13 are due to the war of rhineland vs. kusari…
for further reference of 80-year-war:
Rich in vital gas resources, the Sigma-13 system has been contested by a number of groups since its discovery in 60 AS. Conflict reached a fever pitch when the system became one of the more fiercely contested prizes during the 80-Years War between the Gas Mining Guild (GMG) and Rheinland. Using speed and a thorough knowledge of the territory, the GMG managed to push back the Rheinland forces, finally obliterating the bulk of the Rheinland Navy at the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula. Since that time the system has been almost exclusively under GMG control, and the Gas Miner Naha has provided support for the GMG’s extensive mining operations.
At the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula, the forces of the Gas Mining Guild managed to obliterate almost the entire Rheinland Navy in a surprise maneuver. The remnant of that great battle is a vast field of Scrap Metal and radioactive cores that has rendered the area a major navigational hazard. Under an agreement brokered by Interspace Commerce (IC), ALG Waste Disposal has been allowed to build Helgoland Station and begin clean-up of the affected area, shipping Scrap Metal and other waste back to Rheinland for re-smelting.
This really is pretty good information. ;D
Now I got the mod, but how do I distribute it.
Thank you everyone, I’ll check this download out Wolfie. How do you get the mod to be able to be used by FLMM?
I don’t know much about makeing mods but I was wondering if anyone can help me with creating a system, some tips maybe can help me some :).
Wrong Address For FLSirius
Donnie's Server
Donnie's Server
[Latest] Freelancer Clans Forum launched!
How do I change a mod's folder in to a flmod folder?
[Latest] Freelancer Clans Forum launched!
[Latest] Freeport launched
[Latest] Freeport launched
Freeport Forum
Changing Faction's Rep With Other Factions Question.
Donnie's Systems Mod V. 1.0 Advirtisment
Donnie's Systems Mod V. 1.0 Advirtisment
Changing Faction's Rep With Other Factions Question.
How Can I Get Mods To Submit In 'Submit File'?
Donnie's Systems Mod V. 1.0 Advirtisment
How Can I Get Mods To Submit In 'Submit File'?
80 Years War - Freelancer History Discussion
Question about creating systems.
Question about creating systems.
Question about creating systems.