UTF editor m8… version 1_0_0_4
copy your desired .TXM somewhere safe (good to place in UTF file under a temp work file)
open it in UTF… and extract the “lowest” MIP, ie: MIP0
here’s the “trick”… follow me using beam.txm…
Ok now open and branched in UTF… we see the Texture libary tree.
there should be a few branches of the tree… we’ll go with the first…
expand code_beam and you’ll see MIP 0-6 highlight MIP0 and hit “extract”…
now if its a .dds… you’ll see .dds in the ASCII box… If its a .tga that first box will be blank (normaly)
on my pc its a .tga… so after hitting “extract” we name the file “code_beam.tga”
you should now have a .tga of the .txm called in the FX… there’s a few more things to do before getting it back ingame
after altering… .dds conversion / Re-miping (as i call it lol) as all those “smaller” MIPS were the same but smaller in size… you could extract all them… do the same to all… and replace with no worries but its easyer and more efficient to “consolidate” them into a MIPMAPED .dds
But you just wanted to know how to extract… how there re-imported is a matter of preference and workflow…
so i wont get into how i do things (lol) … hope this helped… Sory for the mess 😛