Being Russian does not excuse you for stealing work and claiming it as your own - so if you want to stay on this platform and want to eventually use what we are working on, you better change your attitude.
You could at least try write and in a different style…
ok. The spew error```
WARNING:General:couldnt get effect texture
I suggest you go back and look at what textures are allocated and make sure they are all correct. Tip: texture nicknames are case sensitive, so "Texture" is not the same as "texture"
Actually since C# is based on managed code and FLHook uses real x86 assembly there is quite a difference. You also would have to know a lot about classes and how they are handled on assembly level (if you want do dig deeper). There also is a chance that you have to reverse new stuff in order to reach your goal (that happens to me nearly all the time).