Hello and welcome

When I did the last donation, I didnât get a line to put my name, that might be why they are generally anonymous, but seems like mine it was already linked to the one I made long time ago ^^
For me it does download a 282mb file that is corrupted and canât be opened.
When I did my last post, I got the issue. I really couldnât post it, so I checked for multiple things. My message was around 1000 characters, and that is only after lowering to 994 characters, that I could post it.
The only problem with Freelancer, is that only 1 language was included on the installation disk. Now you can generally choose between english and the language from the country you bought the game, and oftenly even more. So when you search for it somewhere, that is generally only english.
Shame there wasnât a pack made with all different languages.
Hey there!
I was wondering if there was any TeamSpeak or Discord related to The Starport?
Havenât seen any link on the forum so I suppose there isnât.
I already planned long time ago to potentially open my TeamSpeak 3 for the Freelancer community, not from any specific website or server, but just the general community.
Discord is nice, I consider it like a mini forum, great to keep in touch with chat and people, does mix text and voice, but by experience, it also tends to kill websites / forums as people will focus their discussions on it.
TeamSpeak focuses more on voice chat for when you play together, or if you just want a lounge room to chill with others, but doesnât really have a text side other than private messaging and just small chat in the same channel than others.
If the staff is interested, I could actually open the TeamSpeak.
There are only french friends on it at the moment, so I would for sure separate it in 2 categories.
Let me know what you think about it!
If it is only about format conversion, try to use Xmedia Recode ( https://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/index.html ) Actual version is, there is an portable version if you donât want to install it directly on your PC.
Never tried it for DVD files, but I use it oftenly to change the format of my videos if I record with OBS.
It works for both video and audio files. -
You are welcome
Yeah, missing all these old demos
At least I found Freelancer for 6.90⏠in a shop, there were 2 of them to be sold!
The seller even said: âOh, finally someone who know that game!
Everytime someone donât know what to buy, I always tell them thatâs a good game, but as they donât know it, they always refuse.âAnd I can play it on my 30kg Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070sb CRT screen!
Yeah I guess I will buy the Valusoft one Amazon.fr and find a 5⏠used one for a french version.
Hello there!
I will do a quick introduction, as I am generally not that much into forums, and donât really like to type 1 full page. ^^
So here I am, with the name of Junkozane. If I remember correctly, I chose it in early 2012, as I was searching a name to make a character on Aion.
I am actually 23 years old, and from France.
I rarely play Freelancer, played a few times the single player, and mostly stopped playing in multiplayer, as all of my friends stop playing it.I never got any legit copy of the game before. I started playing on the demo, that only give access to the New York system, with the french version of PC Games magazine, that was giving free games and demos. I donât even remember the year, it was between the release of the game and 2006 maybe. I still have the magazine and the CD somewhere, as I love to keep everything lol.
Then, a few years later, I did download the game (Totally legally for sure!) on some direct download or torrent websites and brought some friends on it.
I played on Hamburg City and an other server I completely forgot the name. My name was in red, I guess because of the non legit copy and as I was using mods/patches to put the game in 1920x1080I drove 2x2hours a few days ago to buy legit copy of freelancer, that is still new sealed. This one will stay like that and I will need to buy a used version to install a legit copy. As well, I will certainly try to get an english version, as unfortunately, Freelancer only has 1 language per CD.
So here is my all brand new CD rom from the hits collection:
So yeah, even If I havenât played Freelancer that much, I am still looking to play on it sometimes, but as all my french friends stopped playing it, it became a bit annoying for me to play alone on it.
As I loveeee Stargate, there was a french server a few years ago that was called Stargate Infini, with Stargate ships and systems, but unfortunately, that was a RolePlay server, and it was needed to create a forum account and participate actively to the RolePlay, to be able to play, so I didnât join it.
For me, Freelancer is simple, easy to use, everything that makes a great game. I am waiting for Star Citizen, and hope it will be a great game that is not too hard to use and understand.
Today I am checking âAvorionâ, which looks pretty nice, even some parts of ships and the atmosphere makes me remember of Freelancer on the main menu.
Trying to test it without the 2 hours refund system of Steam, as I donât find it good, because it looks like âhey, I just bought your game, now testing it, ok itâs shiet, bye I am asking for a refundâ.
Where are the good old demos?! The good old non legit copy is better to try and then decide to buy the game if we like it!Otherwise, I do play a lot of other games, having too much games that sometimes I donât even know what to play! There is one that I always come back, just like for Freelancer, it is called âHidden & Dangerous 2â. I did spend a few years on it and trying to save some websites of it too.
With H&D2, I did realize that too many websites are lost and forgotten, and then die because no one can manage them anymore or because it does cost too much. I hate seeing that and I try to save most things I can.By the way, donât forget to vote for Freelancer on GOG so it could be sold again!
Well, took more lines than I expected, even surprised myself lol.
So I hope you do know me a bit more now. ^^
You are welcome! This website have a lot of informations and must not die!
Hello everyone
[Old] Donation Appreciation Thread
What would be the most convenient, common, universal format for sharing the contents of a DVD
ISSUE: I often cannot submit posts for a while
Freelancer - Abandoned-ware?
TeamSpeak or Discord
What would be the most convenient, common, universal format for sharing the contents of a DVD
[Old] Donation Appreciation Thread
[Old] Donation Appreciation Thread