I have a GTX 1080 Ti I’d love to do crash testing and debugging with if you’d be willing to let me do a private internal test of it with a Discovery development build.
So, uh, I don’t mean to be pushy, but how is this coming? I’m really interested in playing around with it; it’ll bring some serious life extension to the game even in a partially-complete state.
+1 for Discovery’s repeated bungled suicides being a major detriment to the global player base. If the admins and devs there didn’t have such obsessed hard-ons for finding ways to use FLHook to rules lawyer their RP environment to death and had actually listened to long-time players, maybe things would have gone differently.
I dunno. It was interesting being on that team but more in a “watching a mid-air collision recorded in 240 fps slow motion” kind of way.
Freelancer’s pretty much dead at this point, and nothing’s going to fix that short of someone doing a full recreation in an engine that doesn’t rely on a fixed function DX8 pipeline and DirectPlay for networking.
This is making me want to get back into Freelancer modding. I didn’t think anything could do that. Very good work all around, Schmack.
Schmackbolzen wrote:
@Kazinsal: Not sure what you have in mind but not that you get any ideas: I won’t have the time and I don’t plan to write another wrapperAlso it will only work with Freelancer (I don’t translate every d3d8 call plus you need some hooks to get the textures etc.).
Oh, no, not another engine. Something I’ve been thinking of proof-of-concepting in Freelancer. I can’t seem to tear myself away from this engine…
Very interesting project. Spectacular results so far as well applied to vanilla Freelancer. I’m not much of a graphics programmer but I would be very interested in it and its internals for a project I’ve had floating around the back of my head for a while, and I’m sure it would absolutely shine with something designed around it.
It’s been a long time since anyone posted here (and since I posted on any Freelancer forum) so hi everybody! I learned more about texture mapping and with that knowledge I made some ship models:
The first one is a short haul freighter with a cargo capacity of 1000m3 and an approximate travel distance of 4 systems before needing refueling. The second is the space equivalent of a passenger jet, with a capacity of ~200 passengers over 3 or 4 systems. Both have a 1000m3 LH2 tank and are powered by a solid core nuclear thermal rocket engine!
I’d have more, but I have had a lot of school stuff to deal with recently. I’m not sure what I’m going to use them in yet.
You’re gonna want to rebuild hookext. Heck, might as well rebuild all the plugins you’re using. It takes maybe a second or two longer for each plugin and will save you lots of pain in the long run.
This might be a bit much to ask, adoxa, but have you got any idea how to grey out and disable the “MULTIPLAYER” button without actually removing it? Would like to be able to do that for Broken Bonds’ offline mode.
Looks like the source code comes with the game if you buy it on GOG. Considering it’s three dollars (USD) right now, that might be a worthy endeavour for those interested.
Hey folks,
Couldn’t find a tool like this, so I wrote my own. It’s fairly straightforward - drag and drop an uncompressed power-of-two TGA onto it (or invoke it from the commandline as flicon icon.tga) and it’ll create a uniquely-identified NN_ICON 3db out of it for use for commodities, equipment, ships, etc.
It only does one TGA per invocation so if you need to convert a whole bunch of TGAs to NN_ICONs I recommend writing an equally quick and dirty batch file to do it for you
No need to credit the tool in your mod if you don’t want to, as long as you don’t remove the Exporter Version nodes from the resulting 3db files.
Have you tried asking over on Discovery’s forums? We are not familiar with the inner workings of Discovery over here on TSP so it’s unlikely we would be able to solve your dilemma.
DirectInput is deprecated, yes, but XInput – last I checked – still doesn’t do anything but Xbox controllers. Given that programmers tend to ignore deprecated warnings, it would not surprise me if Watch_Dogs indeed falls back to using an old input API.
I mean, really. We can’t just instinctively blame Freelancer for everything.
…Sorry for the non-constructive post, but SERIOUSLY? Playing Watch_Dogs breaks Freelancer until you restart your computer?
I… I don’t even have a wild guess as to why it would even DO that. It’s like Ubisoft’s coders tried hooking DirectInput and they wrote something that just never lets go.
Try going back into the Nvidia control panel and setting it so that it doesn’t use SLI for Freelancer.
@adoxa: Just tested on my local copy, works, thanks dude.
SUR is clean, has correct radius info, no conflicting issues I can find. Docking hardpoints all have the same orientation. Distance between them is 0 - 400 - 600, and it doesn’t work with higher or lower differences. Docking sphere doesn’t affect it. Happens with all ships.
We do indeed have those three hardpoints. We’ve tried placing them in the same coordinates as vanilla ones as well, no luck.
Afternoon, folks. Broken Bonds is having an interesting issue with our new jump gates. If you dock with one from far away – let’s say 1K – it flies to HpDockPointA02 as it should and then the ship just stops there. I’ve tried moving the hardpoint around, doublechecking the radius and bounding box, changing the solar_radius and docking_sphere entries, but to no avail. If you manually move into the docking sphere and then hit dock, you jump fine though.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? There’s no animation, and even with a dummy animation hooked up it doesn’t work right.
[Solar] nickname = bb_wstabilizer_scdf ids_name = 60209 ids_info = 66145 type = JUMP_GATE DA_archetype = solar\dockable\bbwsscdf\bb_wstabilizer_scdf.cmp material_library = solar\dockable\bbwsscdf\bb_wstabilizer_scdf.mat LODranges = 0, 200000 mass = 10000.000000 loadout = stable_wormhole docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 300 jump_out_hp = HpDockMountA solar_radius = 600 shape_name = NAV_jumpgate hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
–Troy -
This is going to sound weird, but try installing the DirectX 9 August 2007 SDK. This was the last one that had DirectPlay headers in it.
While modern versions of DirectX do still support DirectPlay for backwards compatibility purposes, I have no idea how DirectX works on Windows Server and therefore any advice I can give you is pure speculation.
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
Anyone still around?
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
3D Model Showroom
[kinda solved] Can't load plugin<dsacesrv.dll></dsacesrv.dll>
"Which type of multiplayer game…"button removal??
Conquest: Frontier Wars, Conquest 2
FLIcon - a quick-n-dirty tool to generate NN_ICONs
Base List / aka Navy Prison Station
(SOLVED)Mouse problems (main menu)
(SOLVED)Mouse problems (main menu)
Ids_name and Docking Rings
Ships getting stuck at HpDockPointA02 on jump gates
Ships getting stuck at HpDockPointA02 on jump gates
Ships getting stuck at HpDockPointA02 on jump gates
FLServer and Windows Server 2012?